Real story: Offspring
Today, outside the maternity ward in the hospital, he walked around like a burnt-foot cat. His mother and sisters used to call him to sit down again and again. But the cycle of his feet was not coming to a halt. Today his wife did not come to the maternity ward for the first time. Rather, he was the father of four beautiful, healthy, and Tappan daughters. But he was going crazy to get children. Despite doctors explaining that his wife's life could be at risk from becoming a mother. He put his wife to the test further.
He has always looked down on every woman except his mother and sisters. He used to blame his wife like a fraud on the minor complaints of his mother and sisters. Suddenly the door of the maternity ward opened and a nurse put a form in front of him and said:
Normal delivery is not possible so the operation will have to be done. He signed quickly. At that time of trouble, I remembered Allah. When he raised his hand to pray, the face of the great prophet came to mind. She remembered all her abuses and was never liked for being outside the community and being written. He thinks that a woman is devoid of the ability to settle down.
But because of his desire for help, they had to bring him to his fore. When the news of the happening with the hope of the wife came to his ears, he started saying again and again that he was eager to play with his wife.
Once, The Behbhi laughed and asked, "What if it is a matter of fact?"He got up with his mouth as if he had chewed Cronin's bullet. He remembered that his repetition had left him mentally stressed for nine months.
One day I got a call from a friend of the world. I'm congratulating his daughter on her birth. When he turned up, he put a team on his mustache and said: "You are also strange, wishing daughters birth and distributing sweets."He remembered his eyes in surprise. And Allah showed him that Allah made the same wife the mother of four sons. Where every time there was mercy in his house, every time there was a blessing in his wife's house. His heart was moved by regret and regret. Suddenly he wondered if Sakina would be able to raise five children alone if something happened today.
The heart answered in a powerless negation. The face of his loving spouse was exposed to his eyes. My children insist that I want a son at all costs. Although he was well aware that the child's sex was determined by a man's chromosome, his spontaneous manhood stopped him from admitting that. He remembered his partner Akbar, who had four sons, but all of them were drunkards and gamblers. Akbar was being handled by his daughter and son-in-law at this late age.
She remembered her bubble-like chirping daughters who were happy to take off her shoes. For the first time, he realized that good child were the religion of Allah, whether it was a son or a daughter. Allah did not keep him childless. In his mind, he creates an empire of earth and heaven, whoever wills, gives daughters to whomever he wants, and gives whomever he wants, sons and daughters, and infertile whomever he wills. "Malik Safdar Hayat felt that he had descended from the top of his soul.
He was satisfied and put his head in prostration with the belief that his spouse and child or daughter were all in the trust of Allah.
Daughter are much sweeter and good than the son, they always stay caring and loving about their parents. But it's the cruel reality of our society that some people tease the woman that why she gave birth to the girl but thanks God Malik Safdar Hayat Realized their mistake