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Thus, every day, the intelligent children of the younger generation follow me with questions, but the university student was confused with the great anxiety of The Wahirani, asking that today you should have put plaques of every human being's deeds around his neck on the Day of Resurrection while delivering a speech before Friday prayers.

Now tell me how big and long a plaque would be around a man's neck if he was 70 to 100 years old? I didn't stop him at all. When I finished, I asked, "Are you taunting my information or this plaque? As far as the plaque is concerned, it's a verse from the Qur'an, on which you're laughing?" I was terrified to hear my answer and quickly touched my ears and apologized that I didn't know but there was no "logic" in the sense. I cut it off and said that this logic can easily accept your intellect if you have considered it, it is also 100% ''rational'' and ''logical''. Our Creator is warning us with great clarity in the Qur'an: And We have hung every man's book of deeds (i.e., the good of his end, or evil) around his neck, and We will take out what he has written for him on the Day of Resurrection, which he will find open (like the Book). (Surah Isra:13)Sonbachaji, you understand that a long plaque must have been put around your neck, because you consider Allah's technology to be weak from your technology.

Indeed, it is the fault of our religious class that it has not performed the translations in terms of time, and the madrassa is still being beaten by centuries-old knowledge. You know what the plaque is called in English? When he nodded in surprise, I told him that if I had ever asked Google, the answer would be that ''plaque'' is called ''tablet''. The slateorors given to Moses are also called tablets. The oldest 4,500-year-old plaques or clay slates are of dastan gulga mesh, which has letters like the ones called the Mekhi script.

If you call a plaque hanging in the throat an iPad or a "samsung tablet", then it will become a place in next? And if its ''GB'' is increased, the data of the whole country can be hung around your neck or not. Just a week ago, you gave me a very small flash drive and said that even if you transfer all the pen capital of your life to it, you will not be able to use any of it.If you read the second part of this verse carefully, Allaah says, "We will bring out a register for him on the Day of Resurrection, which he will find completely open." This means that the plaque around his neck will be smaller than the tablet, and Allah will take out the cream print from it and put it in front of the hard copy.

Nowadays, the crooked black code mark, which you call the QR code, is in the official cards of all of you, which you wear around your neck on your way to the office or a visit, it can be scaned and all data can be taken, and nowadays citizens around the world need a ''chip Identity Card'' to travel outside the country, on one side of which is the QR code. After a moment's scan, your bank accounts, education, family, medical history and what comes out immediately on the front screen. I felt that after this argument, this work was not open.I continued my conversation, merely acting with another argument to further strengthen his belief.

Let's take the tablet as the original tablet for a while, so our 200GB mobile phone containing all our two numbers, fraud, bank accounts, reports, emails, family data, pictures, but also what kind of pictures, let's take out our mobile phones in front of God and take our own account, so honestly decide whether we are jantis or hells. His mouth came out spontaneously ,''Hellish'' and eyes automatically leaned down to the floor. He said, "I never thought so."Seeing this confession, I myself was surprised that nowadays geofencing is done first in all crime scenes and mobile data is taken, whether female or male. Now there is a forensic test which is considered 100% true and correct by the courts around the world and the accused is convicted and punished, so Amir Arab is not able to do so, he has given this knowledge to man only so that he can be familiar with the forces of his Creator.

Nowadays, in any TV program, an account of his past is sought by showing years-old videos of politicians or guests, and he himself is upset and upset to see his video and it does not get answered. We are told that the day must come where this disgrace will stand before his Lord. According to Saheeh hadeeth no. 2417 of Jamia Tirmidhi, Abu Barza Aslami says that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: On the Day of Resurrection, both the feet of a servant will not be removed until he is asked: about his age as to what he finished in, and his knowledge of what he did and his wealth from where he earned it and where he spent it, and About the body of where it was consumed.

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