Focus on what you have

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2 years ago

In 1938, there was a man in Hungarian army named Karoly, who was the best pistol shooter of his country. He won most of the major national and international championships. He seemed closest to wining the gold medal in Olympics. In 1948, Tokyo Olympic, he won gold medal for his country on which he focused all around his career. For this he practised for years. He wanted to make his hand the best shooting hand in the world. But all the dreams turned to dust in a day. In 1938, in an army training camp he lost his right hand due to accidental explosion of a hand grenade. That grenade ended up his Olympic dream as well, the only goal of his life. He had two ways. He would have chosen to kneel down to life and cry for the rest of his life or focus back on his dreams with a small light of hope. After one year, in 1939 Karoly went to a national shooting championship of his country. His colleagues were delighted to see him and complemented him on his courage. They thought that he came to cheer them up but Karoly answered that he was not there to cheer them up but to compete with them. To compete them with his only hand, he practised for complete one year with his left hand. He turned into best shooter again and won that championship. He focused on what he was, not on what he had lost. But he didn't stop there. His focus was to become the best shooting hand of the world and to win the Olympic Gold medal. So he started training him again with his only hand and he focused on his whole energy on 1940 Olympic. But 1940 Olympic got cancelled due to World War II. But he didn't lose hope. So he concentrated on himself and trained him again for 1944 Olympics. But unfortunately that Olympics got cancelled too due to World War again. It was hard to see his Olympic dream being faded away like dust. But he didn't lose hope and got prepared again for 1948 Olympics. He was 24 years old in 1938 and in 1948 he has 38 years old. It was hard to compete with new players. But that couldn't stop him. He went there where best shooters from all over the world were competing with their best hands. He was the only one, competing with his hand and the man with only hand won! His triumph continued still after that. In 1952 Olympics he won gold medal again and changed the history of Olympic. That's why he said, "If you are determined, nothing can stop you to reach your goal."

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