Please Read:
Do you know why muslims are divided?
Because everyone thinks they are better than others, they think that what they have in terms of Islamic knowledge is more reliable than what others have so they sometimes use their point of views to look down on others,giving verdict and criticizing instead of spreading what they know..this is wrong....
Brothers and sisters, know that all of us are thirsty of knowledge but not all of us are in the same situation...
Others can easily get into sources near them and study under reliable Ulama.And others,even if they wanted so bad,situation won't let them so they try to get knowledge in very best way possible...
So,please be considerate...
If you saw something wrong from your brothers or sisters in Islam,correct them through Qur'an and sunnah and explain to them where did they go wrong,know that those who fear Allah will accept what the Qur'an and sunnah teaches....
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh....