Thousands of years old night

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3 years ago

Then. Then the river flows. Sometimes slowly, sometimes loudly. Never in sweet melody. Walking that day. Mantu is returning home after making a deal. Get two pennies. One bring tobacco. And ten paise lollipops. The beginning of Agrahayan at the end of Kartik. Paddy has grown in every house. Many do not sleep until nightfall. Work and work. He cuts the paddy all day and keeps it. Trampled with cows at night. Then the night rolled a lot to keep everything clean. Returning home from the market, Mantu saw Surat Ali's eldest son sitting in the yard reading a book. He has mastered this quality of the dead father very beautifully. It doesn't take long to hear from a distance. It seems that Surat Ali is sitting and reading the book. Listen, listen to your friends. Everyone, listen to Value. Mantur remembers all of them coming and standing in the yard today.Burae Maqbool, Rashid, Abul, Surat Ali. No one. After finishing all the trades in the market of life, one day they suddenly seem to be lost somewhere. I haven't seen Tuni for many years. First of all, find out. Nowadays it is not the time for Mantur. He is busy with work all day. Heeran lives in Maqbool's house in old age nowadays. Her husband divorced her a long time ago. She got married again. After living in a house for three or four years, he got divorced and returned home. Then he did not get married. This time Mantu is trying to get married after seeing her in a good way. Now he is the master of the house. Everyone grows. Everybody comes to him for advice. When he came to the yard and stood, he got it from his hand, Ambia took the tobacco and the air in front of him. Then the baby in her lap extended towards her and said, take her in your lap while she is crying in the afternoon. She caressed the boy with her lap.This time Mantu is trying to get married after seeing her in a good way. Now he is the master of the house. Everyone grows. Everybody comes to him for advice. When he came to the yard and stood, he got it from his hand, Ambia took the tobacco and the air in front of him. Then the baby in her lap extended towards her and said, take her in your lap while she is crying in the afternoon. She caressed the boy with her lap. Seeing Mantu coming forward, everyone left the road and sat him in the middle of the hall. One of them was arranging tobacco and swallowing it with her hands. Gradually the night began to grow. The moon tilts to the west. The shadow of the yard grows longer and longer. The sound of the fluttering of the wings of the nightingale on the bank of the fairy lake was heard by Shana. Surat Ali's son then read the book continuously. What can I say about the value of value. Nice to see. Kash's moon is like Velua Sundari. It seems to be a fairy of Indrakul. He is reading a book in his mind with his hair in tune. The night is getting dark. That night is a thousand years old.

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3 years ago
