Conversation in the middle of the rain

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Avatar for Rayhan6
3 years ago

The return of the mobs is bound to upset this passenger. My thinking power has slowed down at the first sight of him, the speed of the car has slowed down. The feminine scent of the Teranga Salayer girl is wafting throughout the car. Tulkalam Baedhaya all the taxis in the city in the series of the game on the obedient radio.The look on the spectacles of this new passenger is also a bit blurry. Leaning backwards, he looked at the rain outside with a page like Sriradhika in his backseat, and those silent eyes must have been sad in search of Kara. Dabbab I am busy looking at that scene through the looking glass, but there is sincerity in that look.Gentle look on the face, looking at Nikana's body. I feel a little older today. Seeing this passenger, from the very beginning, the huge amount of water in the mind is boiling like a carburetor. To change the sequence, the radio rang - "Ki Herinu Shaeva Nikhil Bhubane" - Rashwari's words made the mind go wild.The author focuses on the big body. People of nature, wanting to be intimate, listening to all this, wanting to fall in love with someone for life. In today's music, where is that feeling, where is that barbecue, where is someone coming in the courtyard of the mind in silence.Don't listen to these. In the midst of all this, I touched the palm of my hand on my disgusting neck - "I'll park the car even if I stand here". The veil fell at the beginning of the background in an attempt to end the loneliness in search of a lying wife. As soon as he opened the door and left, an unfamiliar wind blew into the car, and the newly formed Baul mind shattered like a house of cards.Western pressed another overcoat in the gap. Another passenger with a cap gathered through the opposite door. It is the beginning of a new journey, the journey of a new passenger, the vision of a new character, this is the life story of a driver, where different characters appear in different stories, but I do not become famous and I do not meet, I just have to read the oral writing. Sometimes.Even if the car starts, even if you start a new journey, those glasses stay in your mind. Half wet umbrella head lady towards. Maybe we will meet again in the corner on the night of fulfilling the rainy wet dream.

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Avatar for Rayhan6
3 years ago


Nice article brother, i subscribe you, please doing the same

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3 years ago

u r subscribe done pls back

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3 years ago

wow nice article

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3 years ago

Thank you dear

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3 years ago


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3 years ago

most welcome

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3 years ago

okay my dear

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3 years ago