Escaping the Fiat System

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Avatar for Ravenkyng
3 years ago

This year began with the intention of establishing sovereignty in our financial life.
As the intention was worded and expressed, things began falling into place and highlighting a possible path towards the vision we decided to plant.

I was not expecting the world of cryptocurrency to offer potential answers to this search for greater financial independence. But it did. The past decade I have been engaged in creative pursuits and an intense spiritual search for meaning and understanding.

I spent a lot of time, resources and energy in those endeavours, and while I was able to earn a little bit here and there with my creative works, I didn't take the financial aspects of life serious enough. I had kind of ignored finances, perhaps out of a feeling that they were spiritually meaningless or something lesser. This kind of thinking was a successful conditioning by those who rule the monetary systems of our modern era. These corrupt people have made us fall into the trap of defining money as evil as the ones using it for atrocious crimes. Yet it is merely a currency.
A unique current of the sea of energy that is life. We are here to learn to engage and relate to all the forces and currents of life.

Our wilful ignorance is the true culprit for our state of serfdom today. It is the voluntary conscious choice to remain ignorant regarding certain aspects of our life due to sheer comfort or laziness that has allowed things to evolve to the state they are in today.

Anyways as me and my love explored the world of crypto, we began to be confronted with the subject of "Austrian Economics", "Free-Market Anarcho-Capitalism" and "Agorism". These were themes that helped me gain a deeper understanding of our current financial system, and also offered me perspectives and solutions I had not been able to grasp before in my ignorance regarding finances.

This entire journey of discovery led us to put in a whole lot of energy and love into revamping our online-store entirely. Fuelled by many sleepless nights, and investigations into the different cryptocurrencies, we decided to remove the option of paying with FIAT for any of our Products, and began setting everything up to accept our payments exclusively in crypto.

The most important of these currencies that we chose to accept are, ARRR, WOW, XMR and HUSH, these 4 are all privacy coins, who are honestly the only ones that actually fulfil all the criteria for fungible digital cash. It is these currencies which hold the great potential within them, to remove the corrupt Powerhold of Central Insitutions over the financial economies of the globe. Our modern fiat currencies have for the most part already been digitized and have become tracking tools of control and regulation. Our funds are held in custody by banks who charge negative interest while making huge profits on our hard-earned assets by being able to hold them in their safekeeping.

The modern financial system has become the control system of the modern authoritarian socialist monopolies. Protesting violently against these structures is fruitless. The only true solution we have is to simply begin removing our wealth from their systems. The best way to do this, is to begin relying less and less on their Fiat money supply and to begin exchanging and trading with each other in privacy oriented cryptocurrencies. The more of us transition from Fiat into privacy coins, the less control and power these State and Corporate Monopolies have, they are already battling with all means possible for the survival of their inflated currencies.

These Central Entities are printing senseless amounts of new currency, inflating any value remaining out of our Money. Fiat is as serious a currency as DOGE is.

We also chose BTC, LTC, DASH, HIVE and ETH as extra payment option. While it would be ideal if we could manager our shop using only privacy coins, the majority of mainstream users, will be more familiar with these latter cryptocurrencies. My favourite among these being HIVE. While it is relatively transparent, its transparency makes a lot more sense since it is actually the metaphoric heart of a social media blockchain. And even so its transparency is not an issue, since it does not need any links in form of KYC to your identity to participate and earn HIVE or to register on the blockchain to participate in their blogging platform. The amount of information that is revealed about you depends entirely on you. Using a VPN, not trading your HIVE to a wallet linked to your identity due to an exchange etc, are all means that you can keep your Hive account relatively anonymous.

Switching from accepting Fiat to exclusively accepting Crypto was a big decision.
Yes it will limit the potential amount of customers able to purchase from our Shop,
but at least it is in alignment with our own core values and integrity. We wish to participate in expanding the sovereignty of all, to cultivate and give attention to those details that will help birth the best version of the world possible.

We are tired of middlemen extorting with High Fees. We are tired of Corrupt Custodians using our assets and wealth to promote wars, division, corruption, slavery. We are no longer willing to support a system that is Debt-Based. We wish to support a system that is Value-Based.

With that I leave you all with the link to our online Website. It is actually meant to be a piece of living virtual art, while also hosting a small market section where you can acquire our own small batch high-end crafted artisan perfumes or some of our own alchemical fine arts. There is even the possibility of ordering a Tarot Reading.

A small invitation from us to you, to join us in escaping the Fiat Monetary System and Birthing the Sovereign Financial System of tomorrow.


$ 0.48
$ 0.48 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Ravenkyng
3 years ago
