Banana benefits

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3 years ago

Why eat any fruit

The benefits of bananas

Bananas contain three natural sugars - sucrose, fructose and glucose, as well as a lot of fiber that gives the body instant energy. Two calories are enough to provide strength for 90 minutes of strenuous exercise! That is why tortillas are the number 1 fruit for the great athletes of the world!

But does banana only provide energy? No. The collar has more quality! How ??? Read below:

Depression: Bananas contain a protein called tryptophan, which is converted into serotonin by the body. Serotonin relaxes your mind, improves your mood, helps you feel happy.

For women with premenstrual syndrome (PMS): Stop taking the pill! Eat bananas. Vitamin B6 regulates the amount of glucose in the blood, which will boost your mood.

Anemia: Bananas contain a lot of iron. Bananas help in the production of hemoglobin in the blood. Which is extremely helpful for anemia.

Blood pressure: Bananas are high in potassium and low in salt, which is a very good combination for controlling blood pressure. It is said that bananas are also beneficial for stroke prevention. Brain: The presence of potassium helps the brain to learn faster. Makes memory better.

Toilet: Bananas contain a lot of fiber. Playing ripe bananas softens the toilet. Again, playing raw is beneficial for diarrhea.

Heartburn: Bananas contain natural antacids. Eat a banana when your chest is burning.

Dizziness: You can eat a banana between 10 in the morning and noon. It will keep your blood sugar level right and the dizziness will stop.

Mosquito bites: Mosquito bites have swollen skin? Before buying any cream in the market, look at the ripe banana peel doll. Burns will be reduced.

Excitement / Nerve Pressure: Vitamin B helps to calm your nerves. Eat a banana before the test.

Excess weight: Many people unknowingly eat junk food when they are upset / have extra work stress. Under such pressure we need to keep our blood sugar levels right, which is possible by eating a banana every two hours.

Ulcers: Beneficial for banana ulcers. Helps reduce stomach acidity.

Temperature: Eat a banana to keep the body temperature right.

Seasonal Affective Disorder: People suffering from this disease can eat banana. Because it contains mood enhancer protein tryptophan.

Smoking: Vitamins B6, B12, Potassium, Magnesium help to eliminate the effects of nicotine from the body. So, there is no pair of bananas to quit smoking.

Stroke: According to research, bananas in the daily diet reduces the risk of stroke by 40%! Potassium keeps your heartbeat right. Oxygen reaches the brain regularly, maintaining water balance in the body. There is plenty of that in art.

Mole: It is an ancient way to get rid of moles naturally. Take a bite. Place your Achilles upside down. Now wrap the surgical tape over it.

Comparing bananas with apples, they contain twice as many carbohydrates as apples, three times as much phosphorus, five times as much vitamin A and iron, and twice as many other vitamins and minerals. And there is potassium, which is a very effective ingredient. Put bananas in your diet every day. Help your child develop this habit too.


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3 years ago
