The travel of the Erythraean sea(India)histotical facts

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3 years ago

India and the Contemporary World

Do you know about that?

Periplus and the Mansoon Wind

In ancient Greek and Roman texts on Geography, the Indian Ocean, Red Sea and the

Persian Gulf were together referred to as the Erythraean Sea. A book was written about

communication and trade and commerce on those waters. This was known as Periplus of

the Erythraean Sea. The word Periplus has two meanings. One is to travel on water transport

The other is a description of travel on water. From that perspective, in English, the name of

the book can be "Travels on the Erythraean Sea'. The name of the author is unknown. It is

written in Greek. The author of the book seems to be a Greek who used to live in Egypt.

The author has based the book on his own experiences. Therefore it contains detailed

account of the ports of the Erythraean Sea and many other aspects of commerce. The book

was written for the convenience of ancient traders. It was written possibly in the mid-1"

century A.D. It also describes people of different regions, society, flora and fauna. This book

is important source for knowing the economic history of the 1"

century A.D. Towards the end of the century B.C., some

idea had been formed regarding the monsoons or

seasonal winds of south-west and north-east.

Because of that wind system, travel and

commerce on the Erythraean Sea was made easier

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