10 benefits and reasons why you should eat avocado (the super fruit) every day

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3 years ago

Avocado is the superfood with incredible benefits. Sometimes we think that why everything is delicious is not healthy, well, avocado is not, it is creamy and delicious and at the same time very healthy, read on to see.

You must have heard the rumor that says "Eat an apple every day and don't go to the doctor", although this claim is not true with apples, but it may actually be more consistent with avocado.

Below you will find the benefits you can get from consuming avocados daily.

1. Weight loss

Not only can avocado add some extra texture to your meal, but it can also help you fulfill your weight-loss dream.

A recent study showed that eating 1/2 an avocado can help you feel full or feel full in the stomach for up to 5 hours after eating it.

In fact, this really helps reduce the need to eat consistent snacks or even engage in those unhealthy foods.

2. Blood pressure

Avocados are rich in potassium, which means it can prove useful in managing blood pressure.

The potassium in avocados can help you flush out excess sodium and can work to relieve tension in the walls of your blood vessels, which also contributes to low blood pressure.

3. Eye health

Avocados contain two important natural ingredients, lutein and zeaxenson, which are carotenoids that are essential for eye and vision health.

Avocado is the only plant that contains these two ingredients in high proportions. Therefore, eating avocados can help combat blindness and weak eyes.

4. Cholesterol levels

Avocados can help maintain good cholesterol levels as it is a good source of healthy fats. Studies have shown that avocados help reduce the bad cholesterol known as LDL.

5. Prevention of diabetes

Avocado has also been shown to be beneficial for people with diabetes. Researchers found that when people with diabetes consumed avocados on a daily basis, their insulin levels and blood sugar levels increased significantly.

6. Pregnancy

Avocados are great for both the expectant mother and the baby growing in her tummy.

Since this fruit is rich in vitamin B6, folate, vitamin C, and potassium, consuming avocados could be a great step to getting the vitamins that the mother and her baby need. An added bonus is avocados that can reduce morning sickness.

7. Bone health

Avocados are a powerful source of vitamin K. Although calcium and vitamin D are often mentioned when it comes to bone health, vitamin K is actually just as important, as it helps the body absorb calcium more efficiently.

8. Nutrient rich

It can be difficult, even on a healthy diet, to get all of the recommended vitamins and minerals for the day.

But avocados can really help with this because every serving of avocados contains more than 20 vitamins and minerals. Just one serving can give you the following recommended daily values: 25% vitamin C, 39% vitamin K, 30% folate, and 21% potassium.

9. Nutrient absorption

Avocados can really help you absorb nutrients properly.

Otherwise, it slips straight through the digestive system. Eating avocados with a salad every day can help you absorb essential carotenoids such as alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, lutein, and lycopene.

10. Healthy fats

Although fats do not seem like something to look for, healthy fats are essential to the human body. Avocado is an essential source of healthy fats.

These fats can help reduce the risk of strokes, heart attacks, and bad cholesterol levels.

Some caveats

Avocado is safe for most people to eat, but it may cause complications for some people with the following health conditions:

Avocado allergy: Allergy to avocados is rare, but people who suffer from latex allergy, or what is known as latex allergy, may show an allergic reaction when they eat some fruits, such as avocados, bananas, and kiwis, which may lead to For stomach upset, headache, cramps, and more.

Irritation of the colon: Avocados contain short-chain carbohydrates called FODMAPs, which negatively affect patients with irritable bowel syndrome, leading to stomach cramps, bloating, stomach pain, diarrhea or constipation.

Avocado nutritional value

Avocados are made up of 73% water, 15% fat, 8.5% carbohydrates (mostly fiber), 2% protein and contain 100 grams of avocados.

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3 years ago


wow,,,,excellent post friend

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3 years ago