Meatloaf, the recipe was delicious, moist, tasty, it was a success here at home
Ingredients for 4-8 people: 500g ground beef (duckling) 500g ground pork Cebola 1 onion 2 large garlic cloves 8 sun-dried tomatoes (preserved in olive oil) 1 cup Panko flour 1 bunch chopped parsley 1 tablespoon fresh thyme 2 eggs salt and pepper 150g sliced mozzarella 270g sliced bacon Sauce: Tomates 8 tomatoes Cebola 1 onion, 2 chopped garlic cloves Col 3 tablespoons white wine basil, salt and pim kingdom Potatoes: 700g chips 25g butter celery salt . Beat the onions, garlic and sun-dried tomatoes in a food processor or blender until they become a paste. Mix the panko flour with this paste and reserve. Place the 2 meats in a bowl. Add parsley, thyme and panko mixture. Incorporate well. Add 2 egg yolks, salt and pepper and stir. Beat the 2 egg whites and put in the meat incorporating everything. Place the meatloaf on a bench covered with plastic wrap. Open a rectangle of approx. 28cmx18cm with your hands. Cover the meat with the mozzarella. Roll like a roll, using plastic wrap. Close the ends. Cover the whole cake with the bacon slices.
Grease a pan with oil and transfer the meatloaf to the pan. Cover with aluminum foil and bake in a preheated oven at 180C for 30 minutes. Remove the aluminum and return to the oven until the bacon is golden brown (35 minutes). When ready, pass the dish to serve and slice. Serve with the sauce and potatoes. Sauce: place the onion and garlic in 4 tablespoon olive oil. After 2 min add the tomato, basil, wine, salt and pepper. Add 4 tablespoons of water. Cover and leave on low heat for 25 minutes. If necessary place 1 teaspoon of sugar. Wash the potatoes. Place in a pan with cold water and bring to the fire until soft when entering with a knife. Be careful not to overcook. Drain, peel. Place the potatoes in a frying pan, add the butter and salt and let it fry over low heat until golden brown, stirring evenly (approx. 20 min). Panko flour can be replaced with breadcrumbs or oats.
Meatloaf, aquest és el meu plat favorit definitiu. Només vull el pa de carn a la llauna, poc cuit i a punt per menjar, ho feia servir si sóc mandrós o quan no se m’acut res per cuinar. Però la vostra recepta sembla tan bona, humida i saborosa. L’heu fet encara més deliciós amb la vostra versió. Definitivament, ho provaré d’aquesta manera. A la meva família i amics segur que els encantarà !!! Gràcies per compartir aquesta recepta, Déu us beneeixi abundantment.