Stretchy Pants Save the Day In Very Funny Nacho Libre

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3 years ago

Who knew that a friar, moonlighting as a wrestler in unflattering stretchy pants and a homemade cape, could help save a mostly unfunny summer (save for RV and Over the Hedge) at the movies?

Yeah, I wasn’t buying it either when I first saw the trailer for Nacho Libre. Personally, I’ve always found wrestling, well, rather revolting, and Jack Black a little over the top in past movies. But as Nacho, Black’s comedic timing couldn’t be better, even if the plot is as paper thin as Jared Hess’s Napoleon Dynamite was.

But plot or not, the story’s premise wouldn’t be easy for just any leading man to pull off – and Black (I mean Nacho) steals the show from the first scene with his wacky Spanish accent and knack for physical comedy. As a cook for orphans, Nacho doesn’t have much to work with, aside from stale tortilla chips he uses to garnish every dish. When one of the children asks why he can’t just have a simple salad, Nacho finds himself on a quest for fresher ingredients. But how does a friar in Mexico manage to score some extra pesos for salad greens?

Enter the wrestling portion of the story.

When Nacho spots a successful “lucha libre” Mexican-style wrestler, he realizes that would be a pretty cool way to earn some grocery money and, perhaps, gain a little fame in the process. To help in his efforts, he recruits the rather scrawny Esqueleto

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Nice post

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3 years ago