Spread Love Everywhere You Go

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3 years ago

Since the Law of Attraction teaches that like attracts like, it shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise that attracting love requires you to be a loving person! And it’s not only the romantic sense of love that matters here. There are little things that you can do to spread love every single day—one of the best examples is simply being nicer to strangers.

For example, you might give money to someone collecting charity, offer assistance to a person who is struggling with a large box, or pay a sincere compliment to someone wearing a beautiful coat. All of these little actions give out love and make the Universe more likely to give you love in return.

To send out even more loving vibes, consider volunteering some of your free time to help a good cause. Be as creative as you like, and choose something that matters to you.

You could go to a care home and give residents some flowers, fund-raise for a charity close to your heart, or learn a new skill (such as how to take calls at a crisis phone line’s center). You’ll magnetically attract the same compassion, thoughtfulness and loving kindness you’re radiating.

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nice post

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