Most successes are achieved by those who do not know that failure is inevitable.
-Coco Chanel
Only those who dare to fail can achieve great success.
- Quote from Robert F. Kennedy's failure
It is good to celebrate success, but it is even more important to focus on the steps of failure.
- Bill Gates
I can accept failure, everyone fails in some way or another. But I can't accept without trying.
- Michael Jordan
I don’t believe in failure. If you enjoy the steps, it is not a failure.
- Oprah Winfrey
Too much victory, worse than defeat.
- George Elliott
Failure is impossible.
- Susan B. Anthony
Ambition is the last refuge of failure.
- Oscar Wilde
With every adversity, every failure, every pain it carries the seeds of an equal or greater success.
- Napoleon Hill
If you are not prepared to make mistakes, you will never succeed.
- Why Robinson
The only way to be sure is to fail.
- NA Shoalter
When you take risks, you learn when to win and when to lose. Because both are equally important.
- Ellen Disney
A failure that shows you the right path to success.
- Ellen Disney
And not trying is a big failure.
- Chris Bradford
I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.
- Thomas Edison
Cost is temporary but giving up lasts forever.
- Lance Armstrong
Success is to stumble from failure to failure without losing motivation.
- Winston Churchill
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