While in prison, Paul encouraged the people to please God at all times. In order to do this, he told them to rejoice in all situations. Paul thought us to be gentle, kind,and not to be selfish when relating to others. He wanted us to think and do things for the good of other people.
Another way to please God is not to worry about anything. We need to remember that God loves us so much,and he will take good care of us. He knows all our needs even before we ask and pray for them. We should pray to God for our need. Then, we will experience real peace from God.
His kind of peace goes beyond how we understand things. Paul also thought us to think only of things are pleasing to God, because whatever we think about can be seen in our actions and words.
We should always think about the things that are true,good, fine,lovely, and right. When we do all these things, we will be happy and everyone will know that Jesus Christ lives in us.
A blessed sunday to all of you.