Some Amazing Facts About Boys' Minds

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3 years ago

Some Amazing Facts About Boys' Minds :::

1 | Boys are initially logical and take time to make decisions Give him too much time.

2. Behind the solid image of every man is a sensitive and passionate man. Men are more emotional than women.

In infancy, the part of a boy's brain that produces emotions (emotional center, amygdala) is more active than in girls. MRI research has shown that the picture is the same for adult males.

But it is difficult to see the boys! Because those boys don't cry. From childhood to adulthood, boys are taught how to hide their feelings.

3. Men are more prone to loneliness. Feeling lonely is bad for anyone, but men have to pay a lot of money for it.

Lonely men take something as a threat and as a result their blood pressure rises and the risk of alcohol addiction and depression increases.

4. During adolescence, the voices of males of other species become deeper in order to attract girls and intimidate other males. And scientists believe that in the case of humans, the male members' voices change during puberty for the same reason.

5. Men express their strongest feelings through love.

6. High levels of testosterone in men usually cause higher levels of aggression, competition, and self-reliance than in girls.

Also, the amygdala (the part of the brain that is involved in generating emotions) is usually larger in men, making men more aggressive, and their emotions uncontrollable.

7. The brains of men and women work differently. Women can use both sides of their brains at the same time making "multi-tasking" easier for them.

But men can only use one side of the brain at a time, so they can focus on one task at a time.

8. Please do not ask any man what he is thinking! Men can spend hours without thinking about anything.

9. If something could be interpreted in two ways, and either one of them offended or angered the girl, the boy actually wanted to say the other way.

10. Lady, a man wants to give you. Give yourself a chance to give him less and prepare yourself to give more and get more from him.

The word "dad" entered the English language in the sixteenth century and is thought to have come from the Welsh word "tad" (tad), meaning "father". The word "father" comes from the Old English word "faeder" which was first used in the 1500s.

11. Just like childbearing girls, the hormones of a man who is about to become a father change. Testosterone levels decrease, and bonding hormones, such as prolactin and oxytocin, increase. As a result, their brains are better. Which is great news for kids!

When fathers play with their boys, it helps them build confidence and learn something faster, preparing them for the real world.

12. The brain chemistry of a man in a romantic relationship changes in such a way that it is easy for him to give up any bad habits, such as smoking.

13. From birth until a boy is one year old, his brain secretes testosterone like a full-grown man, which helps his muscles grow and develops his motor skills.

14. Researchers say that when a boy is seven months old, he can tell by looking at his mother's face when his mother is angry or scared.

By the time he is one year old, his immune system is ready and he can easily avoid them.

15. Men need more space than girls. Lady, be happy to leave her alone. When he returns, the waiting price will be refunded with interest!

16. When men appreciate, it is a gift from him. Lady, when she compliments you tell her how much her compliment means to you.

17. The brain of men is of strange structure. Men see life visually, whereas girls see it with emotion.

Simply put, a man sees life and a girl perceives life and talks about life.

18. Crying in front of men means blackmailing them. Lady, this could be your emergency backup!

19. If you treat him like a man, he will only cherish you in his mind, desire you and keep you as his first priority.

20 "Men always want to be a girl's first love - girls like to be a man's last love". 💙💚💚❤💜💜

Thanks for reading my article......

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3 years ago
