What is necrophilia?
In the language of medical science, this vicious necrophilia is the name given to a kind of abominable and perverted sexual addiction to corpses. A lexical analysis of it reveals two ancient Greek words. One is necros; dead and the other is philia; love. Many psychologists also call it a kind of mental illness. The person affected by this disease feels a kind of deadly emotion on the dead body.
💠Psychiatrist Benedict Morel brought the term necrophilia to the forefront.
কেAK is also called Thanaptophilia and Necrolegnia. It is classified as paraphilia or abnormal sex in medical terms. Statistics show that the majority of those suffering from necrophilia are men. They range in age from 20 to 50 years.
💠 Dr. Jonathan Rossman and Dr. Philip Resnick divides necrophilia into three parts:
1. Necrophilic homicide or necrophilic homicide: In this case, necrophilic homicide is committed for sexual purposes.
2. Regular necrophilia or normal necrophilia: These types of necrophilics have sex by finding or collecting corpses.
3. Necrophilic fantasy: These types of necrophilics only imagine having sex with a corpse.
According to the historian Herodotus, in ancient Egypt, if the wife of a high-ranking member of society died, he would leave the body for a few days and then give it to the mourners. This was because it would distort the corpse and if there was a necrophilic among the mourners, he could no longer climb on the corpse to satisfy his lust. According to popular myth, King Herod had sex with the corpse for seven years after the death of his wife Mariani. The same story is told by King Voldemort and King Charles Magnon.
People who have to live with corpses for professional reasons are more prone to necrophilia. However, there are several other examples. A number of similar incidents of perverted sex caused a stir around the world.
▪️Guido Henkel von Donorsmark: The Germans spent most of their time with the corpse of the billionaire's wife, who had drowned in the chemical.
▪️A woman named Karen Greenley herself stated that she had had perverted sex with twenty to thirty male bodies.
Florida physician Carl Tanzsler continued to try to save his life by leaving the body of one of his patients in his own bed.
Most of the people on the list of necrophiliacs are serial killers. E.g.
America Gain of America সে After killing two women, he brought their bodies out of the grave.
▪️ Ted Buddy: Teddy killed at least thirty women to have sex with corpses.
Munna Bhagat, who was working as an associate of Dom Jatan Kumar Lal, was recently arrested for allegedly raping dead women in the morgue of Suhrawardy Hospital. So far, Munnar's sperm has been found in the bodies of at least seven young women.
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