Family unrest affects children's mental health

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Avatar for Rahim420
3 years ago

In the situation they become separated from their parents or grow up alone.

Violence and abuse

Parents of defective families can physically abuse and hurt the child. Children from defective families may show signs of verbal, physical, sexual or emotional abuse. Children take this for granted and behave in a similar way when they grow up.

Impact of growing up with a defective family

Growing up in a defective family can have a very negative effect on the children in the family. Distrust, anxiety, contempt and other negative emotions build up as a resilient adult.

Some common behavioral patterns can be seen in people from a defective family. They are:

They have a bad image of themselves and suffer from a lack of confidence and self-esteem.

They have trouble forming relationships like healthy adults and have shy natures or personality problems.

They get angry frequently and very easily and prefer to be alone.

Studies have shown that their performance is low because they have difficulty concentrating and staying focused.

They display self-harming or self-destructive behavior.

They tend to be addicted to alcohol, drugs or smoking.

They can suffer from serious mental illnesses such as depression, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, paranoia.

Such people may lack discipline, as they have no ideal people to follow when they grow up, and they may be irresponsible or destructive.

They may not have childlike qualities like innocence, because they have to take on big responsibilities from an early age.

Strategies to deal with the negative effects of a defective family

If you understand that you come from a defective family, the first step is to recognize and identify behaviors and practices related to defective behavior. As an adult, you live with the effects of growing up in a flawed family. There are ways to deal with these. Here's how to do it:

1) Take responsibility

As an adult, there are ways to deal with your situation and create a healthy emotional state. It is important to take responsibility for your work and learn to live up to the expectations that you and your family have.

2) Ask someone for help

Once your faults are identified, it is important to seek the help of a professional or someone else to deal with the problems you have had since childhood. While it can be difficult to deal with low self-confidence, support from family and friends always helps.

3) Be creative

Sometimes, conflicting situations can pave the way for creativity and expression. If you want to overcome the negative effects of a flawed family, express yourself healthily to your family and loved ones. Share your thoughts with others and discuss how you can rebuild the relationship.

4) Build faith

Growing up in a place where there is no trust among the adults around you. As a child, if you have always seen your parents distrust you, this tendency of theirs will pass into you in the same way as you did in adulthood. With time and patience, learn to build trust among the people around you.

With time and patience, learn to build trust among the people around you

5) Build bridges with your family

Faulty families are emotionally unstable, but as adults, there are ways to rebuild or rebuild your broken relationship. Start with small steps and try to forgive and support your family wherever possible.

No matter how you grow up, as an adult, you always have the opportunity to reflect and improve yourself and have meaningful relationships with people!

may be the result of growing up.

3) You always suffer from guilt

As an adult, if you feel guilty for the condition or behavior of others, none of which is due to you, it can be a sign. When people are upset, even if you are not responsible for it, you still feel guilty.


4) You lack communication skills

If you can't express emotions in a healthy way while talking to your friends and family and you have a tendency to remain silent and can't resolve it, then you are more likely to be in a flawed family.

5) Responsible to others

When others make their own decisions and you are not responsible for them but you feel responsible for what happened, especially when the situation is bad.


7) You are hard on yourself

Whatever you do or achieve, you are the hardest critic of yourself and if you always criticize yourself. You feel that any mistake is your fault and that you are hard on yourself.

6) You have the highest level of anxiety

Even when everything is going well, you are always worried that something will go wrong, which leads to high levels of anxiety. As a result, you can never enjoy yourself.


6) You feel isolated and empty

As a result of continued isolation, lack of emotional support in childhood, you feel incomplete and empty. You keep asking for affection, and are afraid to be alone.

You feel isolated and empty

9) You are frustrated

No matter how good your life is, you always point the finger at something that is wrong and you cannot be satisfied. You think that your efforts are always appreciated.


10) You feel pain

Feel the helplessness and pain in your daily life without any miserable situation. You look at life from a negative point of view and from a depressing point of view.

Common features of defective families

Defective families have a number of common traits that are incompatible with relationships between family members and their attitude towards each other.


Here's what it's like to live in a broken family:

1) Lack of communication

Members of a defective family do not know how to communicate openly with each other and often have serious communication problems. They hide their problems like hiding under the carpet and don’t discuss them. They do not create a healthy conducive environment for discussion and often shout, talk or fight. Family members do not listen to each other and usually use other means of communication.

2) Lack of empathy

There is no sympathy in a defective family, but there is very little. It is at such a stage that children feel bad about themselves. There is no unconditional love and centering on behavior correction always creates problems, even when it is not needed and when the child has just made a small mistake. There is no room for error, resulting in a closed environment, which creates fear of continued failure in children.

3) The tendency to become addicted

Children who see their parents addicted to drugs, smoking, often use such materials to cope with life as they grow up.

Growing up can use such content to cope with life

4) Mental problems

Children who see adults around them suffering from mental illness and personality problems often do not learn to adapt or behave like adults. They also have a tendency to suffer from the same disease due to genetic reasons.

5) Control over behavior

When parents have extra control over their children's lives, their developmental capacity goes down, and they are not encouraged to behave well. This type of control, when it comes to children's abilities, can create self-doubt, and can also lead to trust problems.

7) Perfectionism

Parents often put pressure on their children to do good, and when that pressure becomes too much, they develop faulty behavior. Fear of failure begins and children want to grow up to be perfectionists.

6) Criticism

Children growing up in a defective family are constantly criticized for their abilities or lack thereof and are reprimanded for all their work. Parents often instill in children a sense of power, favor and helplessness, and a lack of trust, which in turn lowers their self-esteem.

Parents often instill feelings of power and helplessness in children

6) Lack of freedom and privacy

In a flawed family, parents constantly deprive and suppress their child's privacy, leaving them with no freedom to make decisions. They always check what the kids are doing and don’t feel the need to talk about it sincerely or make any rules.

9) There is no emotional support

There is no place for emotion or support among the members of a defective family. Children are not given any safe time to express emotions clearly and positively. Kids often do this

10) Violence and abuse

Parents of defective families can physically abuse and hurt the child. Children from defective families may show signs of verbal, physical, sexual or emotional abuse. Children take this for granted and behave in a similar way when they grow up.

Impact of growing up with a defective family

Growing up in a defective family can have a very negative effect on the children in the family. Distrust, anxiety, contempt and other negative emotions build up as a resilient adult.

Some common behavioral patterns can be seen in people from a defective family. They are:

They have a bad image of themselves and suffer from a lack of confidence and self-esteem.

They have trouble forming relationships like healthy adults and have shy natures or personality problems.

They get angry frequently and very easily and prefer to be alone.

Studies have shown that their performance is low because they have difficulty concentrating and staying focused.

They display self-harming or self-destructive behavior.

They tend to be addicted to alcohol, drugs or smoking.

They can suffer from serious mental illnesses such as depression, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, paranoia.

Such people may lack discipline, as they have no ideal people to follow when they grow up, and they may be irresponsible or destructive.

They may not have childlike qualities like innocence, because they have to take on big responsibilities from an early age.

Strategies to deal with the negative effects of a defective family

If you understand that you come from a defective family, the first step is to recognize and identify behaviors and practices related to defective behavior. As an adult, you live with the effects of growing up in a flawed family. There are ways to deal with these. Here's how to do it:

1) Take responsibility

As an adult, there are ways to deal with your situation and create a healthy emotional state. It is important to take responsibility for your work and learn to live up to the expectations that you and your family have.

2) Ask someone for help

Once your faults are identified, it is important to seek the help of a professional or someone else to deal with the problems you have had since childhood. While it can be difficult to deal with low self-confidence, support from family and friends always helps.

3) Be creative

Sometimes, conflicting situations can pave the way for creativity and expression. If you want to overcome the negative effects of a flawed family, express yourself healthily to your family and loved ones. Share your thoughts with others and discuss how you can rebuild the relationship.

4) Build faith

Growing up in a place where there is no trust among the adults around you. As a child, if you have always seen your parents distrust you, this tendency of theirs will pass into you in the same way as you did in adulthood. With time and patience, learn to build trust among the people around you.

With time and patience, learn to build trust among the people around you

5) Build bridges with your family

Faulty families are emotionally unstable, but as adults, there are ways to rebuild or rebuild your broken relationship. Start with small steps and try to forgive and support your family wherever possible.

No matter how you grow up, as an adult, you always have the opportunity to reflect and improve yourself and have meaningful relationships with people!

Thank you @Dreamer

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