Colon Cancer

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3 years ago

Colorectal / Bowel / Colon cancer is a very common disease nowadays. The disease kills about 8.5 million people every year worldwide. About 1.5 lakh were newly infected. The disease kills about 50,000 people each year in the United States alone. It ranks ninth in terms of cancer deaths. Accurate statistics about this disease are not available in Bangladesh. However, colorectal cancer is one of the top five most common cancers in our country. Let's know more details about this.

What is colorectal or colon cancer?

Almost everyone knows about this cancer now. The colon is the intestine, our digestive tract and the lower part of the food ducts that are called the colon. And the part below it where the stool is stored is called rectum. This type of cancer is called colorectal cancer. And this cancer is now a very common disease.

Why is colorectal or colon cancer?
There are some risk factors for colorectal cancer. It is basically hereditary. If someone in the family has cancer, the rest of the members are also likely to get it. However, the most commonly referred to is the colon polyp. If someone has a polyp in the colon, it is likely to turn into cancer later.

If someone has too much constipation, there is a risk. Constipation means that the germs stay in contact with the body for a long time.

Those who are at risk!

Stages of Colon Cancer -

1. Colorectal cancer can occur at any age. However, it is more common in people aged 50 and over.

2. If there is already cancer or polyp in any part of the colon or intestine, it may spread later.

3. Various diseases of the intestines such as infections, ulcers, inflammation of the intestines, etc., if not treated properly, can turn into colon cancer.

4. Smokers and alcoholics are at much higher risk. That is for any type of cancer. Recent studies have shown that smokers are 30-40 percent more likely to develop colorectal cancer than non-smokers.

5. Constipation is caused by having more meat than sugar in the diet. For example, eating more beef, fast food, burgers or eating less vegetables can cause constipation. And having constipation means she is at risk for colon cancer.

6. Diabetic patients or those who have insulin resistance are at higher risk.

7. People who are overweight have a higher risk of developing colon cancer and death.

Symptoms of colorectal or colon cancer
Symptoms of colon cancer -

1. Changes in bowel habits.

2. Having diarrhea or constipation for at least more than four weeks or periodic diarrhea and constipation.

3. Bleeding in the anus or stool.

4. Abdominal discomfort such as gas, bloating, abdominal cramps, bloating, etc.

5. Gradual weight loss.

6. Anemia.

7. Feeling that the stomach is not completely empty even after defecation.

8. Cancer can spread from the colon to other parts of the body, such as the liver. Coughing may occur in the lungs. Cancer cells can even spread to the bones.

Treatment of colorectal cancer
If caught early, this disease can be treated properly. Surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, or any of these can be used together to cure colectoral cancer.

The potential for treatment of colorectal cancer is being explored through a variety of medical procedures, including the use of antibodies, genetherapy, and blood clotting in tumors.

Be aware now

1. It is important to change your lifestyle to protect yourself from the risk of colon cancer. Include a variety of fruits and vegetables in your daily diet. These foods are high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that help prevent cancer.

2. Refrain from smoking and drinking. Exercise regularly and maintain proper weight.

3. For those who are at risk, such as those who have polyps in the rectum, treat it quickly. If there is anyone in the family who has colon cancer, regular screening is needed.

4. Even if the experts do not agree on the exact number of days after which the disease should be screened, some experts may be aware of it. Checking the stool every year, regular bowel examination is useful in this case.

Screening for colorectal cancer is low due to lack of awareness about the disease and lack of knowledge about the benefits of regular screening. As a result, thousands of people are being infected with this deadly disease every year without knowing it. So now is the time to become aware of yourself and your family.

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3 years ago
