Body shaming: A new practice of barbarism in modern society

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3 years ago

"Hey, look, the girl looks like a round potato!"

“Brother, the belly looks pretty chubby. Which shop do you eat rice from? ”

“What a hangover you are! Mother does not eat properly? It looks like you are suffering from malnutrition. ”

How many times a day we say and hear these words in the guise of laughter and jokes, it has no meaning. As if making fun of excess or underweight weight problems will disappear from the world. It will not go away, but the person is constantly suffering from inferiority complex by listening to all such things. There is a kind of depression that builds up in him, which can gradually lead to mental illness. For example, our failure to accept him in such a way does not make any sense for us to constantly humiliate him by imposing this responsibility on another person.

Think about it, how many times have you been asked to change the way you present yourself? If there was a problem with getting thinner or thicker, it would work. Someone may have a little smaller eye than the so-called definition of beauty, a slightly hollow nose, a bruise or a cut on the face. Yes, then there is no protection. Body shaming is the name given to all public criticism or comments about one's body size, shape or shape.

If those who are doing body shaming think that your comment like this will change the life of the person, then your idea is completely wrong. People get disgusted when they hear such harsh words from people's mouths. Some people choose different drugs to escape from this pain. In fact, we have in our brains some definite definition of beauty, from which it is very difficult to get out. As body shaming has become such an epidemic in the Indian subcontinent, the companies that make whitening creams and slimming teas have survived with great success in the region.

In fact, it is not just the general public that is responsible for the popularity of this evil practice. It's not that everyone is doing body shaming with a lot of understanding. Every time you open a magazine or turn on the television every day, there are so many ways to lose weight or get a perfect fair complexion that we don't even think that if you are not fair and fair, she is not beautiful. The way in which the obese body owners are made clowns in sitcoms or serials also makes the lives of obese people in real life unbearable. "Wife will not join your fortune", "Who will marry you, you have to eat at your father's hotel for life", "I see your belly is walking before you!" - There is no shortage of comments! This is creating a deep wound in their self-esteem.

Body shaming is a living proof of how unreasonable you are as a human being. There is no point in everyone having to be beautiful in the so-called mold of beauty. Every man is as beautiful as himself. But we do not have the tendency to accept that. Let us show you some examples of how this little criticism can cause a stir in someone's psychological world. Girls with tolled cheeks are much more attractive - not to mention the number of girls who have undergone plastic surgery to create permanent holes in their cheeks. In addition, many people are pushing themselves under knives and scissors for the purpose of straightening the nose, changing the shape of the lips or improving the breasts.

It's not just adults who are doing body shaming. Even school children are doing body shaming without seeing or understanding adults. This is especially true at the high school or college level. There is a long tradition in our society of avoiding classmates or keeping them short by using offensive words because the color of the skin is black. Many have birthmarks on the face, hands, feet or anywhere else on the body. The children also criticize themselves about these. In the age of Facebook, what else can tender-hearted children learn by seeing advertisements for perfect beauty through laser treatment all day long?

Let's take a look at the ways in which body shaming is basically done.

  • To be frustrated with one's external beauty, to belittle oneself by comparing oneself with someone else. For example, looking at the heroine of a TV series and saying, ‘I am much shorter than her’, ‘Ish, if my hair was as beautiful as her’ etc.

  • To criticize his physical constitution in front of someone; Such as- ‘How to get on a rickshaw with this weight?’ Or ‘Your walking style is like that of a transgender person’. Needless to say, people of the third sex are despised in the name of body shaming.

  • Making negative comments about someone behind his or her body shape. For example- ‘Did you see the girl come out later? Looks like sumo wrestlers' or funny tricks are often said 'You don't look like that at least, so thank you!'

What's worse is the words that you can spell for yourself. The body is a very transient existence. After death, in a few days, the body decomposes and merges with the soil, and the action remains forever. A society can change a beautiful mind, people do not even remember a beautiful body for a long time. Then the question may come, then why do people do so much body shaming?

The psychological explanation is very simple. When you lose to someone in qualification Go, someone will be very angry or upset, his body will be chosen as a powerful weapon to make him smaller is a very easy way. The anger of the mind was also met, the opponent was also made small. Suppose, you did not get the job after losing to a girl in the job test, the girl got it. Admittedly, he was qualified for the job. But for the sake of cognitive dissonance or comforting yourself, you may think to yourself, ‘Pak, if you get a job, what will he look like, who will marry him?’ This is how the story of body shaming is born.

In our country nowadays, the issue of body shaming is also very important in love relationships. There is an attitude in many people - if my partner had a zero figure or a muscular figure at the gym, it would not be good! In fact, this issue of the figure is so much highlighted that many people are trying to make the figure and look beautiful. In 2016 alone, about 4.2 million people in the United States underwent plastic surgery to improve their appearance and shape their breasts. Many under the age of 18 are also voluntarily taking themselves into the fray. Many mothers in Vietnam are doing plastic surgery as a gift for their daughter's birthday! If this is the case, then what is the benefit of blaming the people you love?

Instead of blaming anyone, we challenge this heinous practice. Take care of the things you like about yourself or the ones that matter most in your life, be it the body or any other quality. Ask yourself, why do I have to be 'perfect' as a model? Why not use that time for social or personal constructive work instead of spending hours after hours in beauty salons? There can be no standard of beauty, there can be no definition of beauty. The picture hanging on the wall of the parlor, if someone is not so beautiful, the thought of having to catch his 'flaws' is also indicative of a small mind.

You have to be beautiful to meet the conditions that the society wants - it doesn't make any sense. It is easy to say that you are not beautiful. But is it easy to be a beautiful person? A so-called black, fat or ‘ugly’ person does no harm to society, no one is harassed because of it. But if ugly thoughts live in someone's mind, then a terrible evil can happen. So it is better to bring those who are literally harmful to the society by counseling them without body shaming for the purpose of doing good.

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3 years ago
