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3 years ago
Topics: Healthcare

AIDS is a well-known disease. Probably no disease in the world has gained such widespread recognition in a short period of time. In 1981, the American Center for Disease Control reported that some homosexuals in Los Angeles had contracted a strange disease. Prior to the incident, the agency reported in another report that several homosexuals had contracted a rare skin disease in New York and Los Angeles. This disease is called AIDS and this is the first discovery of this disease.

In a short period of time, AIDS has spread worldwide and has become a pandemic. According to the National AIDS Control Organization (NACO), 18,000 men and women are newly infected with HIV / AIDS every day worldwide (source NACO reports). This means that the number of new HIV / AIDS patients is increasing by 7 million every year, which is equal to the combined population of Singapore, Kuwait and Brunei. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the number in May 1989 was 1,54,408. According to the latest UNO data, 6.27 million AIDS patients were found in Asia alone in mid-1998, and the most alarming thing is that the mortality rate is increasing at a rate of 20 percent per year. Around the world, about 22 million people have died of AIDS so far and about 40 million people are living with HIV / AIDS.

India ranks second on the AIDS outbreak map after South Africa. According to statistics, the number of HIV / AIDS patients in 2001 was 4 million. At the beginning of 1992, the number was 250,000. Eight new patients are being added every day. According to the NACO report, HIV infection is highest in Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Manipur among drug users. Infections accounted for 74.2 percent of sexual intercourse between men and women, 6 percent through blood transfusions, and 6 percent through drug use. The number of male patients is 7.6 percent and the number of female patients is 21.3 percent. In Manipur, Imphal district alone has 3,500 out of 7,81 HIV positive cases and out of the total infected patients, 400 are women. According to the US Center for Strategic and International reports, the number of AIDS patients in India will reach 20 million by 2013.

Liberal economics has been particularly instrumental in spreading this chronic disease throughout the world, especially in the Third World. The new economy (Structural Adjustment Policy) is undermining the independence of the Third World. According to this policy, the borrower has to abide by certain conditions in order to take a loan from the IMF and the World Bank. For example, budget deficits need to be reduced, subsidies need to be reduced, service charges need to be set for social development, doors need to be opened for foreign businessmen and restrictions on capital investment and movement need to be lifted. Extensive privatization is one of the goals of this economy.

Our country is village head and 75% of the people of the country live in villages. Most of them are marginal farmers and poor. Frequent devaluation of money, capital investment of big capitalists and increase in exports have hit the rural economy hard. The common farmers and cottage artists of our country are facing fierce competition in the free market. Hundreds of men and women are leaving the village and coming to the city in search of livelihood. I quoted excerpts from an English national daily: "Over the past few years, marginalized and landless farmers have been migrating to other districts in search of livelihoods due to river erosion and the government's failure to control the prices of agricultural commodities in the district." From village to town.

In the tide of the new economy, many factories are being built and many workers are being needed. Many young people are flocking to work in new factories. Most of them are separated from their families. As a result, many become exhausted and turn to commercial sex workers for recreation and become newly infected with HIV. When infected people return home, they infect other men and women in the family in various ways.

The liberal economy has greatly improved the communication system. People travel freely from one end of the earth to the other. The movement of goods has greatly increased. A few studies have found that two-thirds of truck drivers always associate with commercial sex workers. As a result, the infection is spreading widely. A large number of truck drivers on various highways in the country are now suffering from various sexually transmitted diseases.

The government is cutting spending on health and education and service social development. As a result of giving various taxes and benefits to foreign investors, the government's revenue is decreasing. According to the World Bank, service charges have to be levied in the medical field and health services have to be left in the hands of private investors. The consequences are beginning to be terrible. We need to keep in mind that the treatment of AIDS is very expensive. Out of reach of most people in a poor country like Bangladesh. Because in Bangladesh, 'per capita national income is only ৪ 450 a year, which ranks 162nd in the world.'

Developed countries in the West are putting a lot of pressure on the cost of medical treatment in developing countries in the third world - such as vaccines, kits for various tests. Wants to use the third world as a trial ground. This explains the AIDS control programs of the developed countries of the West towards the Third World.

The consumerist life philosophy of the Western world is changing the way we live. Consumerism, skyrocketing aspirations, fast money making schemes are affecting our thinking and behavior. Various TV screens are showing pictures of sex and various forms of violence. Various pictures are being made about extra-marital and multiple male-female relationships. In the world of advertising, the display of women's bodies has become a part of civilization in all aspects of selling soap from cars. Socio-economic and cultural changes are increasing divorce and creating a culture of urbanization, increasing companionship.

Raising awareness against AIDS is one of the first steps to be taken against AIDS. All classes of media can be used in this regard. Second, be careful about free association. Third, men and women in the high risk group should be tested for HIV / AIDS. Fourth, licensing for blood banks should be made mandatory. Fifth, counseling centers need to be set up. Sixth, infection control systems in hospitals and health centers need to be changed and improved. Governments, societies, voluntary organizations, groups and families must join hands to fight this epidemic.

The most talked about disease of the present time is AIDS. The disease was first reported in the United States in 1971. Patients with this disease have also been identified in Bangladesh. Although the disease is not widespread in our country, there is a risk of contracting the disease. Awareness needed for AIDS prevention. Here's what we learned about AIDS:

What is HIV / AIDS?

How HIV is spread

How HIV does not spread

Who are at risk of being infected with HIV?

How to prevent AIDS

What is HIV / AIDS?

Many people in Bangladesh still do not know what is HIV or AIDS? HIV is an acronym for "Human Immunodeficiency Virus". If HIV enters a person's body, it gradually loses its immunity. However, a person can stay physically healthy for a long time after being infected with HIV. But after a certain period of time he contracted AIDS. AIDS is AIDS - Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS = Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome) and people with AIDS can die from common diseases (cold, cough, diarrhea, fever, etc.). Because he lost his immunity.

How HIV is spread

HIV is usually spread through three types of fluids. These are- 1. Blood 2. Semen 3. Breast milk.

  • HIV can enter a recipient's body through a blood donation from an HIV-infected person.

  • Needles and syringes used by an HIV-infected person can spread HIV if used by another person.

  • If you use unsafe razors, blades etc. in the salon.

  • Through unsafe equipment during dental treatment

  • Injecting drugs into the bloodstream can lead to HIV infection.

  • Sexual intercourse with an HIV-infected partner through unprotected / perverted sexual behavior can lead to HIV infection.

  • If a pregnant mother has HIV, the fetus can be infected with HIV at birth or after birth.

How HIV does not spread

1. When walking with an infected person.

2. If you eat with HIV infected.

3. If you shake hands.

4. When wearing clothes or used clothing.

5. If you touch the body of an AIDS infected person.

6. If using the same bathroom or toilet.

7. AIDS is not spread through the use of dishes, beds, pillows, etc.

Who are at risk of being infected with HIV?

Anyone can be infected with HIV for the reasons mentioned, but the following people are at higher risk of contracting the disease. These are: -

1. Adolescents

2. Sex workers and their clients

3. Floating population or path - children

4. Gay

5. Addict

How to prevent AIDS

Since no vaccine or medicine or treatment for HIV or AIDS has yet been discovered, AIDS must be prevented. Here's what to do:

1. Getting tested for HIV in the blood.

2. Do not use razors or blades used by others or disinfect them

3. Not taking drugs or entering the body.

4. Avoid unsafe or perverted sexual behavior.

5. Infected mother's breast milk should not be fed to the baby.

6. Promoting AIDS awareness in the media.

7. Teaching books on this subject.

8. Adherence to religious precepts for the creation of moral values.

9. To test the blood of those who travel or arrive abroad.

10. To take public or private initiatives to eradicate it in the long run.

AIDS means certain death. It not only destroys the individual but also harms the country economically and socially. So you have to be aware of AIDS and make others aware.

Special thanks to sir @georgedonnelly @ErdoganTalko @Dreamer

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3 years ago
Topics: Healthcare
