Life for pleasure? Or the joyin the need of life?(My thoughts)

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I always find joy in the small things that come in my life. If you want to live with a healthy mindset, you need pure, unadulterated happiness.

I have always had the ability to be happy in the smallest detail. Any receipt gives me boundless joy. For example, a cup of hot coffee with salty Spice Mix for Puffed Rice eating! Ah! That moment is amazing to me!

Sometimes on the last afternoon or at dusk, sitting on the verandah, maybe looking at the huge sky, then the sight of birds flocking across the sky and returning to the nest also creates a very beautiful feeling in my mind. Opening and closing the windows of my mind is a part of my daily routine. In that window I hung the curtain of so many colors! One day, even in the midst of some good news, a strange feeling of peace swings in my mind (whether it is known or unknown). It is true that the good news of any human being makes that day a different kind of happy work for me.

Another of my favorite times is sitting and talking with family members. That time is very dear and desirable to me. (No one can have a mobile phone at this time. This is my condition and my home rule. I use the word "my" because I have started and maintained the rule till now. I have had to spend so much time alone after breaking my heart That is the lesson my conscious / subconscious mind learned for the rest of my life - the importance of spending time with family. I didn't think so.

I once understood very well how important it is to be close to your loved ones when you are sick or very upset. So the way the house attracted me like a magnet, the outside world didn't do it. So no one would think I was antisocial. Wherever I need to go, I must go. I try to enjoy that time too. Walking down the street also makes the street scenes no less amazing to me. However, the suffering and decay of the people on the streets hurt the mind. I think then, it could have been a different scene! I think everyone thinks more or less like me.

I try my best to do what I do. I think every man is known for his own merits. It can be due to any work inside or outside the house. Even the smallest tasks of human beings should always be evaluated. Most people are stingy about praising other people's work! But it should be just the opposite. The relationships are beautiful. Many may not understand or agree with the matter.

However that is their business. I have nothing to say about it. Maybe I was able to expand my mind because I got 100% support from the people in my house for all my small and big work. A person's "perfect mind" can be a means of fulfilling another person's imperfections, but a person with an imperfect mind can never be a means of fulfilling another's imperfections. The subject is psychological.

Sometimes I think, how many things have to be done in this momentary life, but how much can we all do? At work, how quickly the useless time runs out! Proper use of time and proper decision making are very important in a person's life. Many times life changes a lot because of these two. Money alone does not make a person's life successful or meaningless. The most important thing in life is how satisfied he is with his life and lifestyle. Self-satisfaction or self-satisfaction is very important for a person.

What is happiness? Some people are not happy even after going to a five star hotel every day. Some people live a moderate life and are happy to live with dignity. Happiness and happiness always depend on human personal needs. Life is easy when your thoughts and needs are realistic. Will be consistent with your own consistency.

Outside is a mild winter mood.

Do you know the needs, joy and happiness of my mind at this moment? Very nicely relaxed under the blanket, sleeping in the dream kingdom.

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