Passive Money earning options are good as they don't involve your hard-work but investment in terms of computer resources, power consumed etc.
Today we will talk about a Passive Money Earning option (more will be published based on response).
When i talk passive i mean, purely passive that means zero involvement , you have to just install it and forget it !!
Peach Plugin (only for chrome)
Peach Plugin
Peach cUBI
Conditional Universal Basic Income
as they call it is an extension for Chrome Browser. Many of you would have already installed Brave Browser and know of ad revenue sharing model. Peach works on similar model.
Peach takes money from ad revenue and distributes part of it with us users. You have to once signup for peach plugin and install their extension and then forget it. it will work on its own.
I will tell upfront that this is a new plugin so income is less and slow but passive. people looking for fast money please refrain from this to avoid disappointment. People with cool mind are welcome.
As stated on their website :
Peach is a conditional UBI system, it generates Ad revenue and distributes a portion of it to its users in a form of credit called Peaches. All Peach users get Peaches at the current Distribute Rate simply by browsing the internet.
Once you collect enough peaches (will take three whole months i guess) you can exchange them for rewards like Bitcoin etc.
Currently the number of users is also less so income is less as number of users increase they can negotiate better deal and increase our portion also.
Amount distributed so far by the company
$12072.0439 (is considerable in my view)
This is a purely global option, works even for Venezuela, Turkey etc (all are welcome).
If you find a bug or problem while surfing after installation please give feedback. you will get peaches for that also. (like if a site does not work properly gives surfing issues)
If you are looking forward to this then once you install this and gather 10000 peaches please activate booster from market which will increase your distribution bonus !! Distribution rate add on is over and above normal rate!!
currently for bitcoin minimum withdrawal is 50 $ although if you want amazon gift card 25 $ is available. you will also get some clicking banners which will give you 2000 peaches at once. and also you can create your own banner to get tips which do come in reality but in small amount !!
Happy Peaching !!
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