I am with God, I am not afraid ( My Journey in fighting against COVID-19 Pandemic)

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4 years ago

The world is ever-changing. This pandemic has taught each and everyone of us that life itself is precious and let time be the best gift to cherish every moment we spent for family, to love genuinely, to care as if everyone is a kin, and to value the people who treasures us.

And finally, now we know what's important from what is not, that Family, Love and Time are the most valuable treasures that God has given us.

I am a community health nurse, and since the start of the outbreak, I've been having my duty for almost everyday, rendering services, reaching out to community and helping prevent the spread of the virus.

I've been exposed to the virus so many times, but my faith in God protected me. I was tired, exhausted and terrified. There was a time when I had to stay at the health unit away from my family inorder to protect them. I faced so many struggles to the point of asking myself, do I deserved this gift? Am I being a good nurse? But God enlightened me, that I will surpass everything with faith, dedication and compassion.

The existence of COVID-19 does not stop us working on our goals, as a community health nurse part of our goal is to keep the people in the community healthy. So aside from battling the pandemic, we find ways and strategies to deliver services such as immunization, quality prenatal care,family planning counselling, mental health debriefing, and health monitoring without risking the lives of these individuals as we are exposed in the frontlines.

The road in winning this battle is perseverance, unity and patience.

Perseverance that amidst difficult situations and bumpy roads, we will heal as one if we stand united in God's perfect time. And let us all be reminded that a war can't be win with a soldier alone, but it can be conquered by Soldiers. And we in the frontlines are the Soldiers of God, committed to serve the people. And lastly, patience to endure the hardship and struggles. As what they've said, there is always a rainbow after the rain.

I am a community nurse and I know that our love for country, for our family and for humanity will save us all.

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4 years ago
