Beautiful mind is better than fair complexion:

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2 years ago

Someone has perfectly said "Beauty isn't about having a pretty face or fair complexion or beautiful features but actually it is about having a pretty mind,a light in the heart and most importantly a beautiful soul."Unfortunately,in today's world there are still many people who don't consider moral values and run after appearance rather than personality .

The term "beauty" refers to the inner beauty. Inner beauty is based on personality traits such as attitude and behaviour. There's much difference between looking beautiful and feeling beautiful.Fair complexion is about visual and superficial beauty.

People are so obsessed with fair complexion that they reject the girls for marriage just because of their dark complexion, which is a pretty much materialistic approach. When we read matrimonial advertisements,it is really sad to see that everyone wants a bride having fair complexion.

Fair collection is an obsession in our society. There is a clear discrimination being carried out in our society. It is shocking that such trend is not only ruling our mind but is being shamelessly marketed across our TV screens as well.

For job ads, everyone demands for fair skin people. High sale rate of all fairness creams is also an indication of people's obsession with fair complexion.

Complexion preference varies from person to person,for instance, in western countries people are crazy about getting tanned skin.Also they have to pay a healthy amount to get tanned skin .

Fair complexion may help you to look attractive where as a beautiful mind will help you to conquer the world for it is the most powerful weapon. A beautiful mind will always take you to the right way. A beautiful face may provide us temporary relief and some short term benefits like a little ease in interviews, a favour from our boss but a beautiful soul will help you achieve long-term and ever-lasting fame and contentment. With the natural process of aging, our outer beauty will get dwindle whereas inner beauty of us will last forever.

It is high time that we all understand our uniqueness. We need to acknowledge that we all are supposed to be different.Our brown skin has its own beauty and it perfectly suits us.

What matters the most is that, we should have a beautiful heart, humble and kind soul under the skin.We should pay attention to become a good human being and build strong character and moral values. Because it is the only thing that will take us to somewhere in life.

Not to forget, beauty is only skin deep.The outer beauty like looks or appearance fades away with time and age. It is something that will stay only for a short period of time.The thing that counts is inner beauty that is personality of a person, his/her mind and character.A positive character is eternal .

The biggest example of beautiful mind is better than fair complexion/beautiful face is 'The mother Teresa', a humanitarian. She was from Ottoman empire but came to Kolkata, India. She was never admired for her beauty but she was considered as a symbol of love, care, passion and selfless charity. Her only goal was to serve the nation without asking for anything in return. There is long list of such people that excelled in their lives with modest appearance and lifestyle.

So, instead of giving preference to fair complexion, we should give importance to the inner beauty which provides us with perceptual experience, pleasure and satisfaction, inspiring us to perform good deeds.

Our real progress will occur, when we will get rid of such racist mindset within the general masses of our society.

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2 years ago



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