The Secret Of Human Survival..

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4 years ago

Everyone of us is well aware of this fact that community develops by interactions among populations. And we the humans interact and depend on NATURE for our survival. You may say that our SURVIVAL is very much associated with sustainability of NATURE and natural resources. Anyhow thing disturbing nature may disturb human survival as well on this planet. Just for example look at the current global issue of COVID-19, as humans disturbed nature and world is still facing its repercussions till date.

 So if nature survives, then definitely we the humans will survive and vice versa. Governments and human population have to come forward to SAVE NATURE for long term sustainable environment of the nature. 

Plant more forests, restrict deforestation, protect wild life, save water, keep surrounding neat and clean, keep atmosphere clean, keep water reservoirs clean for our own survival.

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Yes you are rights my friends to save this world we need to stop deforestation, and water pollution and air pollution.

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4 years ago


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4 years ago