Starting a new job as a writer

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3 years ago
Topics: Life, Journey, Writing, Story, Blog, ...


First I want to introduce some of my work before coming here, it seems like it's too late, but for me it's never too late to start something good.

In the past year I was a shop worker, and everything went well, everything I did with great love, even though I knew my salary there was not enough for my needs.

But I still do well without doing But I still do well without making any mistakes, because I have started this job for 5 years.

Everything went well, until the pandemic hit my work began to be neglected, actually it was not my desire to be at home, but the shop owner still tried to tell me.

To continue working, but until things got worse and finally I decided to quit, I was more concerned with my health than my job.

I knew that I needed money and I had to keep working, but this forced me not to do activities outside the home, so I decided to stay at home.

I thought the owner of the shop I worked for would give me permission, but in reality he didn't, the shop owner fired me and stopped me and looked for my replacement.

Even though I hoped the shop owner would give me relief for being at home a few days, but the reality was even worse and I lost my job.

Starting a new job

I was very frustrated when I found out about that, but I also couldn't do anything about it, it became a natural thing when I made a mistake.

After several months passed, without any work, but the pandemic was not over yet, I thought it would end in a short time, but the reality is more than I thought.

Right now more than millions of people have died due to this pandemic, and it forces me to stay at home, then when I look and look for sites to make money.

I thought this was the end of my life, I think this is the end of my life, because of losing my job which I have been in for a long time, I think there is no site that can make money.

Because all this time I was looking for nothing that could really make money, but it was all debunk when I saw this there.

Here I see a lot of people who make so much money just by writing, I thoughtHere I see a lot of people who make so much money just by writing, I wonder if this is real, is this really there.

The question always pops up in my mind, do I have to go in and start here, I don't know if I was still confused at that time.

After looking at and learning what really makes money, I started to believe that the site is real.

I tried to convince myself to start it, and today I have decided to start my new job, which is to become a writer at

Hopefully, until the next few days I can survive and continue to work as a writer here, writing is not an easy job, besides having to have extensive knowledge, the writer also must have high concentration in order to get a good inspiration.

Maybe I will do more things to make the future better, to communicate with the people here.

Start here

Maybe it will be a very long journey for me to start my job as a writer here, my lack of knowledge makes me have to learn a lot from the people here.

Then what should I start when I like this job.?

I will do what I want, whatever I will share here, it might look bad, but if I write things that I don't understand, it will be very hard for me.I will do what I want, whatever I will share here, it may look bad, but if I write it is not what I understand, It was very hard on me, and forced me to think harder.

But if I write what I want to write, it will make it easier for me in terms of writing, but I'm not sure if that's allowed here ?

Hopefully that is allowed here, if anyone wants to help me to answer my question maybe I will give it a try.

I am not a person who is good at socializing, but if it is required here, I will try to talk and communicate with others, there are many things that I do not know here.

Maybe there will be my mistakes someday, so before that happens I will try my best to do the right thing here.

I do not want to make mistakes when I do my first job, so as much as possible I will study and understand what can be done and what is not appropriate.

It's quite a long journey

Before this work started, I had experienced many things that forced me to work hard, and it took a very long time.

But when I got everything, it was all gone because of a mistake that I made myself, so now I don't want to make the same mistake.

Maybe being a writer isn't something I've ever done, but at least I have something I can learn from.

I'm actually not sure with myself right now whether I can go through this long journey to start new things, or vice versa.

Everything returns to myself and the current state, whether it is possible to continue or not, but even though I am not sure of my own abilities.

But my heart tells me if this job is perfect for everyone, what else would someone who really loves writing.

Hopefully my arrival here can be accepted by everyone, and I hope that I can get more good lessons here, because I believe here is not just about money.

But about all life lessons and all things that can be found here to become a better person.

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3 years ago
Topics: Life, Journey, Writing, Story, Blog, ...
