Looking to my small tiktak clock in my room its almost, 12:20 am January 29, 2022 (midnight), but I am still wide awake, I was bothering of so many thoughts.
I draw up my window curtain, looking outside, to mesmerizing the calmness of the city state, The sky was so quite nor even stars twinkling, and no moon beam smiling, except the beautiful shadow of structures not far from my horizon.
The beautiful city! Where I am here now
I always, spend my thoughts looking at the twinkling and neon lights of the view outside my window, until my eyes gets tired and my thoughts burn out.
At this very moment Im started yawning and the quiteness of the night and the soft breeze of the winds makes me feel drowsy.
Its truly, that
night time is more brighter than the day lights, where your thoughts burn out and your eyes get tired.