How good could the situation be for Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin?

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2 years ago

How good could the situation be for Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin?

You can clearly see the current situation in the picture below. Bitcoin dominance in the market is slowly coming to an end. And this is something that should have happened. Bitcoin alone cannot sustain the entire digital currency market.

The problem is that those who drive the digital money market are making massive manipulations to increase their money. With a few tweets and speculative news, the money is gaining value and losing value.

As long as there is a rapid decline and rapid rise in the digital money market, it is very difficult for the digital money market to be accepted as reliable.

With the manipulative news and messages made before the bear period and the bull period, people are trying to deposit big money into digital currencies, and gold, silver and dollar coins are tried to be attracted to digital currencies.

After collecting enough money, they pull the rope. This digital currency market will create great disappointments for those who are fond of money. Always..

Why do they allow digital currency markets to do this? Because they do not want gold, silver and other precious metals to gain great value. They let it stay as a means of pressure.

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2 years ago
