Graphics and Manipulators in Digital Currencies

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2 years ago
Topics: Crypto

Graphics and Manipulators in Digital Currencies

Many friends consider the digital money market to be like real money markets. I would like to mention a few points so that you do not experience big losses and not be manipulated by graphic analysis.

Most of the digital currencies in the world are in the hands of 10-20 people. They have agreements among themselves. They raise the market by using their digital currencies to withdraw real money from the market. When they collect the money they need, they withdraw their money and lower the value of the coins. Thus, they have the opportunity to buy digital currencies again and in larger amounts at low fees.

In short, when they sell the money, the market falls. When they take it, it rises. They buy at low value and sell at high value.

How Realistic Are Graphical Analysis?

Don't the people who control money work to manipulate people? Of course they do that too. There are numerous manipulators to influence people on Youtube and on Social media. They guide people.

Positive news is published in the market when they will increase the value of digital currencies. Negative news is also published when they decrease the value of the coins.

When do graphics work?

It can only be used to see the intervals of rising and falling periods and to make accurate predictions. Graphics never tell the truth. Because the fall of the market does not occur in the natural process.

Someone makes a decision and the value of the coins rises; the same people decide, and the value of digital currencies decreases.

As long as digital currencies are controlled by these people, they can never be the future coins. Until it happens, markets are exploited by these people.

Pay Attention To These To Make A Profit

Always set yourself a lower limit and an upper limit. Place buy and sell orders. Get it when it gets to the bottom. Sell it when you reach the peak.

Determine these low and high points yourself. "I made a profit" when you sold it; Let there be points where you can say "I increased the amount of my money" when you buy it.

Trade only with the amount you can forget about its presence and absence.

Be patient. If you expect short-term gains, you will be more likely to lose.

News about people who make a lot of money in a short time have only one purpose. Most of them are used for manipulation.

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Crypto
