Your Baggage

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3 years ago

Shake of the Baggage


Jn. 8:32 You will know the truth and the truth will set you free. Friend don’t be a prisoner of the past. Some people are always dwelling on their disappointment. They can’t understand why their prayers aren’t being answered why their loved ones wasn’t healed, why they were mistreated. Some have lived so long in self-pity. That it has become part of their identity. They don’t realize that God wants to restore what’s been stolen.


If you’re not willing to let go of the old, don’t expect God to do the new. If you’ve had some unfair things happen to you, make a decision that you’re going to quit, reliving those things in your memory. Instead, think of good things. Things that will build you up and not tear you down. Things that will encourage you and give you hope that there’s a brighter tomorrow.


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