Decreasing of Oil Day by Day :-

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Written by
3 years ago

The fear is the world run out of oil one day . All countries are struggle hard to find more reserves of oil for future need. The decreasing of oil (fuel , petrol ) will become a big cause for world. There is not yet known how much fruit this effort to finding more reserves of oil .

Needs for improvement :-

The need is to decrease the usage of oil for houseful work and others. The usage of oils for industries and agriculture are not decreased but the private needs can be cut down . It is very important to decrease the usage . If I not act upon on it the oil become a big cause for a world . So, I advised you to cut down the private needs of oil . You should import buses instead of cars because the facility of buses for students are good then cars and the more ammount of oil is saved .

So , the world needs help of all of us for this act . If , I not act upon on it , we face a big issue in future .

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3 years ago


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Ok sure :)

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