My Crypto Trading Experience

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Written by
3 years ago


I want to share my experience on crypto trading. Today Sept 1, 2021, I lost a trade of $55, it wasn’t that big enough but for me it was a heartbreaking lost.


I started on crypto trading 4 months ago, and I admit that I wasn’t that too knowledgeable about this. I Started trading on stormgain a trading platform that offer also a cloud mining option.


After weeks of mining I earn my $14 which is exlusive only on trading,

I first open a trade on April 9 and also lose my first trade because of my ignorance about crypto

then I started mining again until I earn another $10 this time it takes me a 3 months to earn this because mining becomes a slow

I open again a trade after knowing some basic stuff and it didn’t disappoint me

I observed the market and and open a trade on August 3, and after waiting, I manage to gain a profit of $1, yes it was quite funny I only gain $1, I was so happy that I earn a profit so  I again observed the market and after a day I open again a trade and this time I gain $2. and my trade countinues until I earn 110% of my capital of $10 after 4

On Aug 16, I already have a $21 dollars and I was too excited thought things will be good forever.

On aug 17 it becomes $29, and on the same day I lost my second trade, this time I manage to minimize my lost just to $4 after closing my trade because I think I open a trade on wrong position thinking that my lost will become bigger or even lost all my fund so I stop it on -$4, then tried to restart and profit a 1$ after that..


Things are good until the end of august, i manage to make my $10 into a $55 dollars. It was too overwhelming for me because I made a  450% profit in just a month. I almost jump out of joy because I manange to make a consecutive $9 profit, I even tell my brother that I am so lucky that day and teasing him because he only made a 2$ profit on his trade.


I though things will go my way,I become to greedy thinking that I can make another 10$ profit, so on the same day I open another trade on ETH selling option at $3,323

That night I saw my trade was in positive of $2, if I just stop that I should have a profit but I was led by greediness thinking that I can earn more than that, so I didn’t.

after couple of hours ETH had pump to $3,400, made my trade into a negative $20, many thoughts cross my mined blaming my greediness, I had a double thought if I should close it or not, and after thinking  hoping that it will regain to positive I made my second mistake of not closing it to minimize my lost.


The next moring I saw my trade on negative $30, I should have close that but  what comes to my mind was I already lost that trade. So I decided that I should wait and try to minimize it on negative $10.

My First Big LOST

after hours of waiting my Lost was maximized to 100%, this time I really regret that I didn’t close it when I had the chance to profit or minimized my lost.



 I was really disappointed at myself, at first I was contented on small profit. Now I was laughing dry that I teased myself of becoming too greedy, I even made a joke to my brother that I was really lucky it was just that I become too greedy.

This time I learned a lesson, “ greed will be your demise”
I am hoping that my experience will give awareness others to know their limits it is ok to be greedy sometimes but if become too greedy it will only led to disappointment and regrets,

Even the fund was just free I think I’ll be more careful this time.

thanks for reading.

BTW, if you are interseted on stormgain here's my refferal link

and also if you were to ask me why i didnt cash it out when i made a $55

well stormgain has a limit for withrawal i think the lowest was $70 on BCH
that is why i become too excited and greedy thinking that if i ever made another 20$ i can cash it out but sadly i lost everything..

$ 0.00
Avatar for Pzyche
Written by
3 years ago
