What is blockchain technology?

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Source of Blockchain

In 1991, Blockchain was described by W. Scott Stornetta and Stuart Haber. The goal is to time the stamp documents so that they do not change. This means you cannot change the date in any way.

In 2008, the world's finances collapsed. The golden age for an anonymous character or group is called Satoshi Nakamoto Create an open source protocol called Bitcoin.

Don't get confused about Bitcoin "Bitcoin is an asset and important if you are an investor". The most interesting thing is not the price up or down but it is Blockchain technology.

Blockchain world for the first time!

What is a blockchain?

blockchain is a sequence of blocks containing information. From the very name it says it all - blocks and chains.

blockchain This is like a basic accounting book (ledger) of a company. where all activities related to the company's money are strictly monitored.

In this case, Blockchain is a ledger operating in the field of technology, and the stored data is digital data.

What is used for blockchain?

Blockchains are used to store information in coherent information blocks. It is managed by everyone who participates in the system.

Instead of an individual third party such as the state or central bank. It also allows secure transmission of data through a complex encryption system, and is expanded over time.

Moreover, this technology was created to combat data changes in the system. It also has a very special feature that data transmission does not require any intermediary to confirm the information.

Because of the Blockchain system, many independent nodes are capable of validating information in the system without the need for "credentials".

Information when blockchain block chain is entered cannot be changed and is only added with the approval of everyone in the system.

This is a system to ensure very high security for data against the risk of theft.

Particularly sensitive data such as online bank accounts, payment card accounts ... Although part of the blockchain system has been hacked, other components are not affected and continue to work to protect Information protection.

The structure of the Blockchain

Each block can be stored in 3 parts:

  • D »» liá »‡ u

  • Hash of the current block

  • Hold Hash first

D »» liá »‡ u

The data depends on the type of Blockchain. The Bitcoin blockchain, for example, will contain transaction data.

Transaction data includes: Information of sender, recipient and number of coins sent.

Hash of the current block

Hash of the current block as a set point for identification. It is unique and does not overlap like our fingerprints.

Hash of the previous block

Thanks to this hash, the associated blocks create a chain. However the first block cannot be attributed to any blocks. Because it was first created.

This first block is called the Genesis block, translated into Vietnamese as "the original block".

Main features of Blockchain technology

Blockchain technology acts as a ledger that records all transactions that take place in the system. Key features of the blockchain include:

  • Cannot fake, can not break the chain links :

  • Nakaka-engkantada

  • Data security

  • transparent

  • Smart contract

Can not fake, can not break the chains

Chains are almost indestructible. In theory, only volume computers can interrupt and read chain chains.

It will be completely destroyed when there is no internet in the world.


Blockchain data is virtually immutable. It can only be modified by the person who created it.

But the nodes in the network must reconcile and remain forever.

Data security

The information and data in the chain links is distributed and completely secure. Only the private key holder has access to that data.

Trang Chu |

What is blockchain technology? [All the knowledge you need to know]


 Virtual Money Blog -

June 28, 20201661403

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Source of Blockchain

In 1991, Blockchain was described by W. Scott Stornetta and Stuart Haber. The goal is to time the stamp documents so that they do not change. This means you cannot change the date in any way.

In 2008, the world's finances collapsed. The golden age for an anonymous character or group is called Satoshi Nakamoto Create an open source protocol called Bitcoin.

Don't get confused about Bitcoin "Bitcoin is an asset and important if you are an investor". The most interesting thing is not the price up or down but it is Blockchain technology.

Blockchain world for the first time!

What is a blockchain?

blockchain is a sequence of blocks containing information. From the very name it says it all - blocks and chains.

blockchain This is like a basic accounting book (ledger) of a company. where all activities related to the company's money are strictly monitored.

In this case, Blockchain is a ledger operating in the field of technology, and the stored data is digital data.

Watch now Video below to learn more about blockchain blockchain technology

What is used for blockchain?

Blockchains are used to store information in coherent information blocks. It is managed by everyone who participates in the system.

Instead of an individual third party such as the state or central bank. It also allows secure transmission of data through a complex encryption system, and is expanded over time.

Moreover, this technology was created to combat data changes in the system. It also has a very special feature that data transmission does not require any intermediary to confirm the information.

Because of the Blockchain system, many independent nodes are capable of validating information in the system without the need for "credentials".

Information when blockchain block chain is entered cannot be changed and is only added with the approval of everyone in the system.

This is a system to ensure very high security for data against the risk of theft.

Particularly sensitive data such as online bank accounts, payment card accounts ... Although part of the blockchain system has been hacked, other components are not affected and continue to work to protect Information protection.

Watch a video about the Blockchain experts ’perspective

The structure of the Blockchain

Each block can be stored in 3 parts:

  • D »» liá »‡ u

  • Hash of the current block

  • Hold Hash first

D »» liá »‡ u

The data depends on the type of Blockchain. The Bitcoin blockchain, for example, will contain transaction data.

Transaction data includes: Information of sender, recipient and number of coins sent.

Hash of the current block

Hash of the current block as a set point for identification. It is unique and does not overlap like our fingerprints.

Hash of the previous block

Thanks to this hash, the associated blocks create a chain. However the first block cannot be attributed to any blocks. Because it was first created.

This first block is called the Genesis block, translated into Vietnamese as "the original block".

Main features of Blockchain technology

Blockchain technology acts as a ledger that records all transactions that take place in the system. Key features of the blockchain include:

  • Cannot fake, can not break the chain links :

  • Nakaka-engkantada

  • Data security

  • transparent

  • Smart contract

Can not fake, can not break the chains

Chains are almost indestructible. In theory, only volume computers can interrupt and read chain chains.

It will be completely destroyed when there is no internet in the world.


Blockchain data is virtually immutable. It can only be modified by the person who created it.

But the nodes in the network must reconcile and remain forever.

Data security

The information and data in the chain links is distributed and completely secure. Only the private key holder has access to that data.


Anyone can follow the blockchain data path from one address to another and the entire history can be statistically at that address.

Smart contract

Smart contracts are digitally embedded an if-it-then-after (IFTTT) code in the system.

Allow them to implement without a third party. Blockchain does not require a third party to join the system.

This ensures that all parties are aware of the details of the contract and the terms are automatically fulfilled when the conditions are met.

Why is it impossible to organize data in Blockchain?

Hash mechanism

To change the data of a block after Destroy that block will be changed. The block behind it modified block becomes invalid. Because now Hash of the previous block is not the same as changed.

So the only way to change the data of a block is to validate all the blocks behind it.

The mechanism of consensus

To validate the block, you must intervene in the block and change the Hash briefly. But because the date calculator can calculate very quickly.

Every second, they can calculate hundreds of thousands of hashes. This affects attack protection.

At this point, it is the pure copper mechanism that decides who will add the new block. The goal is to prevent the string from being overwritten. From there ensure integrity and confidentiality.

Peer network (P2P Network)

The blockchain uses the peer Network architecture instead of a management center. This means that anyone can join the network.

Each individual in the network acts as a node ( node ). They will receive a full copy of the blockchain. They use this copy to confirm everything is fine.

All nodes create consensus. If the consensus is greater than 50% then the block is valid and added to the block chain.

Companion networks are merged into consensus to create a layer of protection against harmful activities.

How is the blockchain classified?

In the Blockchain system, there are 3 main types: Public, Private and Permissions :

Public blockchain

Public: This is a blockchain system that can read and write data.

The process of verifying Blockchain transactions requires thousands or even thousands of nodes to participate.

Therefore attacking this Blockchain system is impossible due to the high cost. Examples of public blockchain: Bitcoin , Ethereum ...

Private blockchain

Private: This is a blockchain system that allows users to read only data, not write because it belongs to a fully trusted third party.

This third party may or may not allow users to read the data in certain cases. The third party is free to decide all changes in the Blockchain.

Because it is a Private Blockchain, the transaction confirmation time is very fast because only a small number of devices are required to validate the transactions.

Example : Ripple is a type of Private Blockchain, this system allows 20% of nodes to be fraudulent and only needs the remaining 80% to work properly.

Blockchain allowed

Permission: Also known as Consortium. This is a Private Blockchain form but adds some features.

It combines "belief" when participating in the Public and "absolute faith" when participating in the Private.

Example: Banks or joint venture financial institutions will use their own Blockchain.

Basic versions of Blockchain

Today blockchain technology There are 3 main versions including:

Blockchain 1.0

Blockchain 1.0 - Money and Payment: Is the very first and first version of blockchain.

The main application of this version is the work associated with cryptocurrencies. This includes currency conversion, remittances and the creation of a digital payment system.

It is also a field that is familiar to many people, sometimes quite a few people mistakenly think that Bitcoin and the Blockchain are one.

Blockchain 2.0

Blockchain 2.0 - Finance & Marketing: This is the 2nd version of blockchain.

Its applications are financial processing and banking: expanding the size of Blockchain, bringing blockchain integration into financial and market applications.

Assets include stocks, checks, liabilities, ownership and anything related to a deal or contract.

Blockchain 3.0

Blockchain 3.0 - Designing and Monitoring Activities: This is currently the highest version of blockchain.

In this version, Blockchain technology will transcend boundaries that only serve the financial sector. It targets other areas such as education, government, health and arts ...

Blockchain consensus mechanisms

The blockchain consensus mechanism can be understood as the way that everyone in the blockchain system can agree on a transaction taking place in the system. Here are the common types of blockchain consensus mechanisms:

Proof of Work

Proof of Work (Proof of Work) is the most popular consensus mechanism, used in Bitcoin, Ethereum, litecoin , Dogecoin and most cryptocurrencies. It is an integrated mechanism that consumes a lot of energy.

Proof of Stake

Proof of Stake (Stock Proof): This is a common consensus mechanism in Decred, Peercoin and in the future, Ethereum and many other cryptocurrencies. This consensus mechanism is more decentralized, consumes less energy and is not easily threatened

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