Students have their own learning characteristics and abilities. Everyone has unique knowledge, talents and abilities to help themselves understand such topics or activities that their teachers want to share in school. But, what should students do to better understand such topics? How can they do this to be applied according to their own knowledge, skills and abilities? The answer is simple. Every student should learn to research not only in their Research Subject but also in any subjects or courses currently laid out and implemented in accordance with the curriculum of each school or any institution with sufficient and proper purpose to achieve general learning of every Filipino citizen.
Purpose and Importance
How important is it for every student to learn to research? First, in research the student learns to find and learn new knowledge or interested things that they themselves know or do. It helps students to be industrious, patient, creative and free to decide, act or move without relying on others. Second, in research the student helps himself to learn. Because not only sight, hearing, smell, taste and feeling are used in research but also in-depth analysis and interpretation of every information they obtain can be properly processed in their minds. That way, a proper part of their learning is the proper method of research because they not only think about it but they also do it to learn in accordance with John Dewey's theory in English "Learn by doing it." Finally, Research is a tool to enhance students' communication skills; further expand the student's good relationship with his fellow man and further extend his knowledge of his environment and society.
Things to Remember:
In research students have a lot to remember. It is listed below.
Be observant throughout the environment.
Identify an imminent problem or estimated obstacle.
State the possible solution to the problem.
Plan a proper procedure to solve the said problem.
Act or act in accordance with the plan and procedure mentioned.
Record data or important information.
Carefully examine every detail of the information and apply appropriate statistical tools for its interpretation.
State or state the result. Repeat the procedure several times.
Present the general result again to answer the questions or address the problems or obstacles.
Announce new information or effective solutions to such problems for readers.
Things to Avoid
In research, many things students should avoid. These are the following:
Avoid Internet information that is all wrong or unrealistic.
Avoid misuse of the Internet and improper use of it
Avoid people who are deceitful, exploitative, greedy, hypocritical or hypocritical and have dubious intentions or motives.