Churches around the world that stand out with their unique exteriors

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3 years ago

The Church is God's building, not built of stone, but of God's people, whom St. Peter calls "living stones". Inside the Church we can find security from error. It is obvious that the most important thing for the Church today is to be able to heal wounds and to warm the hearts of their believers.

The church is a wonderful creation that began with the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. The church is also a holy priesthood. The true church is made up of people who belong to God. The task of the church is to proclaim the virtues of the one who called us from darkness into his wonderful light.

Christians do not lack imagination when they are supposed to worship God in the most inaccessible places or in the most unimaginable buildings. Whether because of the materials chosen or the locations where they are built, whether underground, in a cave, under ice or on almost inaccessible cliffs, in all parts of the world, in all periods of time, we always and everywhere find shrines for every taste. churches that most often stand out with their unique exterior:

1.Cathedral of St. Vasily, Moscow, Russia

2.Brazilian Cathedral, Brasilia, Brazil.The famous cathedral in the Brazilian capital was designed by Oscar Niemeyer. The unusual structure consists of 16 concrete pillars weighing 90 tons. The cathedral is dedicated to Mary, so the pillar at the entrance shows scenes from her life. The cathedral has 4 bells and even a reflective pool.

3.One of the most unusual churches in the world is the Device to Root Out Evil, located in Canada. The picture already shows you why. It almost feels like you’re in Alice’s Wonderland or in the beautiful world of Oz. The church is the work of Dennis Oppenheim and is located in Vancouver.

4.The cathedral in Las Lajas, in the canyon of the river Guáitara, 7 km from the city of Ipiales in Colombia, 1916-1949

5.Green Church, Buenos Aires, Argentina

6.Sagrada Familia, Barcelona, Spain

7.Church of St. George, Ethiopia.The church, in the shape of a cross, is entirely carved out of stone or. volcanic tuff. The ditch measures 25 x 25 meters and measures 30 meters in depth. It is dated to the end of the 12th or the beginning of the 13th century. The church is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

8.Harajuku Church, Japan.The hyper-trendy Harajuku district of Tokyo is better known for its street scene than for its religious structures. The elegant, modernist Protestant church opened its doors in 2006. The design concept is based on the lucky number seven, so there are seven gently curved arches in the nave. The church is also a concert hall, so the acoustics are excellent.

9.Hallgrímur Church, Reykjavik, Iceland.The Lutheran Church is one of the tallest buildings in Iceland. It measures up to 75 meters in height. The church is designed to resemble basalt lava flowing in Iceland, like a strong inverted V made of tall, thin white beams. The construction of this church took 38 years; from 1945 to 1986.

Photos are taken from

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3 years ago


Merry Christmas @purebeauty dear!

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Thank you dear for big tips.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you.Merry Christmas to you too dear @tired_momma.Thank you for your big tip.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

They are all beautiful images of temples of worship to God. I loved the temple in reverse.

$ 0.01
3 years ago

In world are many interesting built churches.I choose only a few.Anyway every tempel is unique and beautiful.It is God house.

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3 years ago