Routine for a one-week-old baby

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3 years ago
Photography by Nicole Duplantis/Clothing provided by babyGap and Joe Fresh

Finally, your baby’s arrived – now what?

Let’s get it right from the beginning - the words routine and one week old shouldn’t even be in the same sentence. That’s because one week old babies are just too young to fit into any routine, their own or anyone else’s. Even if your baby was born at term, they are still too immature to expect predictable patterns of behaviour.

The most you can aim for is to get through each day, recover from the birth and enjoy this precious time.

One week-old-baby patterns

You and your baby will still be getting to know each other. Adjusting to the reality of having a baby can take longer for some mothers. If your baby’s birth wasn’t want you expected, if they came before they were due or there were complications, then it may take even longer for you to adjust. In the early weeks after birth it’s important to prioritise what’s truly important and what can wait.


One week old babies are still getting used to independent life. It takes time and energy for their little body to become accustomed to all this entails. Breathing, feeding, digesting, keeping warm and communicating their needs can take weeks to get right.

Most babies (around 96%) are breastfed in the early weeks after birth. If your baby is breastfeeding expect them to demand around 8-12 feeds every 24 hours in the first week of life. The length of their feeding times will vary too, with some feeds taking up to an hour.

Don’t expect a feeding routine – it just won’t work. In fact, placing restrictions around your baby’s feeding times e.g. every 3-4 hours won’t help your milk supply to establish. Follow your baby’s cues for feeding and you’ll both be more content.

Remember, supply = demand. The more frequently your baby breastfeeds, the more milk your breasts will produce.

If you’re bottle feeding, then again, don’t expect regular feeding times. Your newborn may want to feed as often as every two hours. Small amounts fed more frequently are better digested than larger amounts less often.

Three tips for early feeding

1. Check your baby is sucking effectively. Speak with your midwife or Child Health Nurse if you’re unsure about attachment.

2. You may need to wake your baby for feeds if they’re sleepy. Unwrapping them, gentle stroking and skin to skin contact often help.

3. Avoid offering your baby a bottle and/or a dummy. Both can interfere with establishing breastfeeding.


In the last trimester of pregnancy and your baby’s first few months of life, their brain and sleep control mechanisms are still developing. In comparison with other animals, human babies are born very immature. They need to spend a lot of their time sleeping and conserving energy so they can grow.

Three tips for sleeping

1. Always follow the safe sleeping recommendations.

2. Expect your baby to be feeding and sleeping for much of the time. But remember, they also need some wakeful, alert time in-between.

3. Try not to over handle your baby. Although they need lots of cuddles and gentle nurturing, they also need some time on their own.


Newborn babies can be noisy. Crying, grunting, sighing and even noisy breathing are all very normal. They’ll also wriggle and squirm, squeak and squeal. Don’t expect your one week old to always be quiet. Try not to be alarmed by their odd noises. They’re still getting used to being out of a warm, muffled, watery world.

Three tips for behaviour

1. Swaddle your baby in a light muslin or cotton wrap. Newborns love to feel secure and wrapping will help to contain their startle reflex.

2. Expect your newborn to be a little unsettled a couple of times each day. Pick them up when they’re crying and soothe them with cuddles. Your newborn needs you to be close to feel safe and reassured.

3. Don’t expect too much. Your one week old baby doesn’t know the difference between day and night and is way too young to sleep through the night. Be realistic in your expectations.

What’s important one week after birth

Self care.

Mothers who eat well, stay hydrated and rest as much as possible are better able to care for their newborns.

Accept reasonable offers of support.

Don’t feel you need to do everything. If people offer you help then say yes.

Don’t expect too much from yourself or your baby.

Trying to implement a daily routine will only lead to tears. In these very early days be satisfied if you are meeting your own and your baby’s basic needs. Everything else will need to wait.

Focus on your post birth recovery.

It can take up to six weeks to recover from a vaginal birth and even longer from a caesarean.

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3 years ago
