Wellness and Learning : How MUSIC and SPORTS change our GENES !

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3 years ago

Wellness and learning through music and sports :D

Well-being is defined as a pleasurable state resulting from the satisfaction of the needs of the body and calmness of mind and learning is defined as "a set of mental processes of memorization implemented by an individual to elaborate or modify specific behavioral patterns under the influence of his environment and experience".


The sport

The practice of a sport activity allows the brain to be well oxygenated and therefore a better performance of the brain. Sport releases neurotransmitters that are also called well-being hormones and happiness hormones, which allow the individual who practices it to have a better quality of sleep as well as to feel good after the physical effort produced during a sports session, making this leisure activity beneficial not only on the physical point but also on the intellectual and emotional point.

Studies have found that there are many similarities between the practice of a sequence of exercises done during a physical effort in order to progress in a sport and the exercises we use to learn, but unlike the body, the brain does not muscle, it acquires new capacities by connecting the neurons to each other.
In order to work in good conditions, it is favorable not to be parasitized by emotions that we can describe as "negative" such as stress, fatigue due to lack of sleep, anxiety, etc.. These emotions have a direct impact on attention, which is an essential element to perform an intellectual task correctly.
Thus, daily physical activity promotes concentration and learning.


The Music

A large number of beneficial effects

Many studies have already proven that music played and listened to has a beneficial impact on the structure and function of the brain. However, you need to have your ear exercised. Indeed, according to research done by a team from the University of Helsinki in Finland, music plays a role in the activity of certain genes, notably dopamine, and influences cerebral blood flow. Thus for people with certain musical faculties, acquired or not, music would have a protective effect on the brain, all of which would contribute to mental well-being.

Moreover, since Plato, we have known about the soothing and educational virtues of music and today scientists can explain why. It would calm our anxieties, help concentration, promote memorization, etc...

To understand the way music acts on us, we must understand that it is not immaterial, but has a physical action on matter. American researchers from a laboratory in Pasadena have demonstrated this with the phenomenon of "sonoluminescence".

Also our organism is in some ways a concerto in itself: heartbeat, brain rhythm, breathing of the lungs, speed of blood circulation, vibration of the cells, pulsation of the nervous system ... our whole body is rhythmic and can be influenced by external frequencies more or less fast and adapts to them.

This will result in stress and tension or total harmony if the music is in harmony with our biological rhythm.

However, a team of Chinese researchers has published a study showing that at the beginning of a child's life, the brain does not only develop from visual stimuli and the first instance of socialization that is the family, but also with the sound environment.

The way in which the brain is structured can also be induced by certain musical styles, for example: a so-called "logical" and analytical brain would be in symbiosis with "intellectual" music and an "intuitive" or "emotional" brain would be more affected by romantic music.


Here are 10 benefits you'll get from listening to classical music 


  • Decrease pain

  • Relaxation and better concentration

  • Improve memory

  • Helps brain development

  • Creation of dopamine

  • Recovering language in the event of a stroke

  • Provides a sense of security for babies

  • Enhances the quality of sleep

  • Calmer animals


I hope you enjoyed reading this article, a new article will appear every day ! 


Thank you for your reading and have a nice day/evening :) 



Sources : 

Pigani, E. (s. d.). Musique la fréquence bien-être. En ligne  www.psychologie.com

Sender, E. (18 mars 2015). La musique module les gènes du cerveau. En ligne www.sciencesetavenir.fr

Comtois, V. (16 mai 2011). L’activité physique quotidienne favorise la concentration et l’apprentissage. En ligne https://www.usherbrooke.ca/fasap/accueil/nouvelles/nouvelles-details/article/15612/




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3 years ago
