Good morning everyone. I trust and believe we all had a great sleep. Today is another day full of opportunities and great changes for you to take.
Today let's dwell on the topic: Why Many Lose Great Opportunities. Many times I hear people say that: "Opportunity lost can never be regained" and it is true but not all the time. Many people have lost great opportunities to ignorance, bad advice, selfishness, and cowardice.
Let's take a look at those 4 words and see the reason why many people lose opportunities.
Many people have lost opportunities to ignorance because they didn't know what they ought to know. Get this today that you are a slap to what you don't know.
Many youths today spend a lot of time on social media viewing memes and gisting with friends but very few spend time to widen their knowledge.
The era we are moving into requires that you update yourself on a daily basis if not you will be outdated. Get knowledge, learn new words and move with the age of time because it keeps you in check for any opportunities that comes your way.
Bad Advice
Many people have lost opportunities to bad advice. That is the reason that you have to be careful with those you move with because you tend to listen to them most of the time.
Many have received advice that negates what they wanted to do and as a result they lost something valuable. When next you get an advice check and see that it fits what you are looking to get.
A quick reminder is that not all advice ought to be taken as most advice you are given will put you in trouble.
This may surprise you but it is the reason why many people lost opportunities. If you are selfish you tend to keep things to yourself. Keeping things to your self can harm you in the sense that you won't sometimes know what you are supposed to know. Move towards people by not everyone.
Many people have lost opportunities because they were too scared to take a risk. Know this today that life itself is a risk. Getting up everyday is a risk.
Many people are afraid of taking risks and that has kept them in a spot. Risk taking as an essential part of life. Also not all risks are healthy for you and that's why you should scrutinize every risk that comes your way.
How then do I know which opportunity to take or which choice to make.. Find out in my next post: "Making The Right Choice"
Thank you for reading through..God bless
Till next time.. Yours in KeyPad.. Psamy ✍️