Like The Trees Of Lebanon

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3 years ago

Good morning to you all. Trust your nights were peaceful. I pray that the peace of God will not forsake us all.

Today we are gonna speak on the grace upon the trees of Lebanon and how they apply to us as Christians.

The trees or cedars of Lebanon are magnificent trees that have remained a wonder until today. They are also known as the "Cedars Of God" this is because they depend solely on God for their survival.

Do you also know that King Solomon used them for the building of the glorious temple in the Bible. What a legend! The cedars of Lebanon also symbolises resilience and strenght.

Let's look at how they apply to us as Christians.

  1. They owe their planting to God

They are said to grow on rocks and tall cliffs. Who else could make trees grow and become dominant in difficult environments other than God.

So you are as a Christian as well. You owe your planting to God and not any man or creation. Know this today that you must not let any thing that did not plant you to control you.

  1. They are not dependent on man for their watering

The nutrition they get come from God and not from any man. No wonder they grow to be very tall and experience success even in harsh environment because they are being fed by the monarch of the universe.

As a Christian until you realise this you may still struggle and that's because you still try to do things with you own power instead of depending on God's own.

Your Creator knows everything you'll need even before he created you so you don't need to struggle if you're ready to give it all to him.

  1. They are not protected by any mortal power

They derive their protection from God and God alone. In everything they face they believe God will not forsake them.

As a Christian you don't need to be afraid of mortal powers of this world because left to God they cannot do anything to you.

If you truly stay in God's will and you don't go out of his path..He will perfect everything that concerns you.

I am a living testimony and I know that God is capable of doing exceedingly above all you can think of.

Thank you for reading through..Until next time..Yours in KeyPad.. Psamy ✍️

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Written by
3 years ago
