Let's learn from the eagle guys.
The eagle is a very amazing and special creature that is rarely seen. Drop your comment if you've seen an eagle before because in this part of Nigeria I have never seen one before.
The eagle is a bird that possesses amazing qualities and extraordinary skills. Do you know that an eagle has an amazing eyesight and can detect prey up to 2 miles away. WoW!!
No wonder many people are in awe of this great bird but why this bird today?. I mean what made this bird the center of attraction today. There are numerous things to learn from the eagle but let's focus on one for today.
The attributes attached to the eagle are simply amazing but I want us to examine one particular thing it does to it's young ones.
I read someday that the eagle takes it's young eaglets to a very high cliff and drops them down. To some people this act is seen as a wicked act. Why will you do such to young eaglets many people will say but let's learn.
When the mother eagle drops the young eaglets down, in the midst of the confusion and fright of this young eaglet, it brings it's wings out and learn to fly and it flies away.
Look at the powerful lesson here. If the mother eagle doesn't do this the young eaglet may probably not learn to fly early or fly at all. Not what is the mother eaglet trying to teach this young eaglets that is applicable to us too..
Life is not fair.
Have you ever thought of what would go through the young eaglet's mind when it was falling down?. It would have thought that it's mother was wicked and undeserving to be a mother. But the reality is that life is not fair. What this eagle taught it's eaglets early many of us learned late.
Many of us sat down and expected life to deliver success to us on a silver platter but this will never happen. You need to know and understand that life gives you what you put into it.
Just like GIGO "Garbage in Garbage out" If you fail to prepare you are already prepared to fail.
The Instinct Of Success is already embedded in us.
Let's look at the second lesson. While the young eaglet was falling down it looked like it would hit the ground below and die but watch what happens..it spreads it's wings and learns to fly for the first time.
Many of us are complaining of failure but let me tell you that what you need to succeed is embedded inside of you. You only need to dig it out.
Most times hardships make us realise our hidden potential.
The young eaglet didn't realise that it had the potential to fly until it was released from the cliff. So also most times what we need to realise our hidden potential are the challenges we face.
The challenges we face have the ability to bring out the best in us. Let me tell you if you are reading this that no one was born without something special. You are special and you need to realise it to bring out the best in you.
There is something great in you and you need to discover it.
Thanks for reading and till next time..Yours in KeyPad.. Psamy ✍️