Don't Quit Until You Get There

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3 years ago

Lovely evening to you all indepth readers. This cool evening let's consider this great and important topic.

The topic says: "Don't Quit Until You Get There" and many people may ask that until you get where?. Let me tell you today that every human being in this world has a destination. Either self imposed or divine.

Self imposed means the destination I set for my self and divine means the destination given to every human from above. Both self imposed and divine destination has an end point.

Your knowledge of which one you have will determine your tenacity to see that you get to the end. Just like a race that has a starting point and an end point.

Your starting point began from the day you were born and your end point is the day you die. Think about this: "If you die today, can you really say that you have achieved something? How many lives would you have impacted?.

Life is not judged by the riches or wealth we amass while living but life is judged by the lives we have impacted.

Leave your footprints on the sands of time so that you may be remembered for something great. The world is full of people we celebrate today because of one outstanding achievement or the other but the greatest achievement is that a man truly knew God and served him with everything he had.

The future is great guys if you take your time to prepare and love God. Thanks for reading and see you guys next time.

Yours in KeyPad.. Psamy ✍️

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