ShareToken (SHR) Buy Event x Probit

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3 years ago


ShareRing is built on distributed ledger technology, allowing for a transparent, decentralised ecosystem.

ShareRing App

Imagine stepping off the plane and knowing all your travel needs can be securely booked and managed from your phone! No more juggling handing over passports, travel documents or bank cards.

ShareRing Shop

Buy or sell anything with ShareRing’s multi-merchant department platform, fulfilling businesses with a service that is easy to access while providing same-day delivery to customers within 5km of their shop.

ShareRing ID

ShareRing’s flagship self-sovereign identity product, the time is now for a secure, manageable and decentralised identity management system.

ShareRing Pay

SharePay is our stable coin which 'hides' the confusion of cryptocurrency from the end-user. The payment of services and goods between user and service provider will be made in SharePay (SHRP).


ShareLedger is a custom-designed, immutable blockchain database built on top of the Tendermint blockchain. It’s fast, highly scalable and extremely flexible compared to existing platforms such as Ethereum.

ShareToken (SHR)

SHR is the 'gas' of the ledger. It's awarded to node-holders to provide the consensus model of the ecosystem. It's also the 'transaction fee' that's paid by providers for using the blockchain.

Trading Competion


$ 0.00
Avatar for Prototaph
3 years ago
