A Gentle Entry
I'm Beans.
I'm a perfectly nice young gentleman looking to write alongside my contemporary brothers and sisters of the blockchain.
I enjoy a good series and a spicy grapefruit spiked seltzer.
I very much need to trim the bushes on either side of my house, as our neighborhood association spares no wrath.
I married up, far above my social functionality grade. I have so much more love to give my astonishing partner, so here's to hoping that I have many more years to prove it. (Raised Seltzer)
At the risk of sounding arrogant, I can easily hit 10-20 free throws in a row. You could say that I'm the self-crowned king of basketball in my surrounding area. My wife and I play together many days, but she tends to push me into the fence when I get around her.
I am a full time crypto trader.
I also teach improv comedy and sketch comedy writing. I perform and direct and write plays and articles.
I hope we can be friends, who find lovely things in common. Lemme know what kind of series you love to watch, and the ice cream you eat during the finale!
That would be nice.