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Since I've been busy the past few days with work, I wasn't able to post here in, I was only able to scroll through my facebook, instagram, and youtube news feed during my free time, and brooo, the things I've seen are not so great. :(

The thing about social media is almost every one in there is trying to look good in everyone's eyes.

If you are not careful, you might start to look at these fake lives of the so called "influencers" and compare it with your own life. It is possible that you'll even get the feeling of being late in life, or the idea that you're less successful or that you're doing less than your peers may start to affect you mentally, that may even lead to depression or anxiety.

Personally, I have experienced social media from its birth. Friendster, Myspace, IRCs, social and niche forums. And from the very beginning, I can attest that almost everyone I got to know there is trying to look far different than their actual real life.

Think of social media as like a powerful and concentrated peer pressure. In social media you got to follow what's trending, you must subscribe to what's in, you must be like this and like that to feel that you belong to society and therefore accepted.

So fuck social media, live your life exactly on how you want it. It's social media bruh, don't pressure yourself it's not a pressure cooker, you're there in social media to socialize, not to put pressure on yourself. Small wins are still victories and you don't have to check other people's pretentious profiles to see if you're on par with them and slow progress is still a progress. Trust me when I say it won't do any good for you.

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I'm subscribe your profile , Please subscribe me ...

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3 years ago

Thank you! subscribed to you too. :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

well writing

$ 0.00
3 years ago


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3 years ago

Social media has very strong power It's has negative result and positive

$ 0.00
3 years ago

True! It's like a double edged sword.

$ 0.00
3 years ago