Termite Snacks.

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3 years ago

When it rains, the soil get soft and termites come to the surface. At night the get attracted to lighted bulbs where during flight they fall under their weight.

A large open water containing vessel is placed under the build so that the dropping termites are collected in the water.

They are collected into the frying pan, seasoned with salt with the feathers still in place.

Place frying pan on fire at low heat while stirring until dryness and excellent cook. Take it off and serve as a cool snacks.

Termite is a rich source of high protein, zinc, fat, and iron. It is used to prepare babies food due to the high content of protein and good metals.

Try this and feel good.

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Hmmmm,I miss this a lot.I used to eat this and the termites were very crunchy.I have to go back to the good old days.Because of this,we were very happy when it rains because we were going to get some termites to eat.kindly subscribe back.Thanks.

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3 years ago