Ancient secrets

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Avatar for Prodigy442
3 years ago

As of October 22nd, 2020, you can forget the austere and frustrating life that has been weighing so heavily upon you and experience these 197 days OF EXTREME LUCK.

I see 197 days of success, joy, luck and impressive winnings, ready to CHANGE THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.

Have you ever dreamed of not needing to count every penny, of being able to enjoy a life free of worry?

Have you ever dreamed of a beautiful house, that you could buy without even thinking about the cost?

Does it concern someone who means a lot to you, whom you would like to finally reconnect with?

What about that legitimate desire for levity and complete happiness, that you so deserve, after all the difficult moments you managed to overcome? All of that is rightfully yours!

You finally have the power to make your dreams come true, Marvellous, because I saw all that take place in the imminent future. All you need to do is reach out, and everything could be granted to you, like a wonderful response to all the prayers you've so often addressed to the Heavens, secretly.

I could write pages and pages about all the happy, loving, rich and successful moments, written in your Destiny (I'll discuss those more a little further on!).

But I had a feeling, and I preferred to take a step back and gaze at your entire Natal Chart...

Let me reveal the genuine secret, hidden

behind this transformation of your Destiny


beyond anything you could expect!

Whereas the planetary conjunction of your 197 days of Luck was materializing before my eyes, my heart leaped: I recognized this unique conjunction, I recognized this Natal Chart! Everything was clear to me concerning you! That's why I felt the urgency to write to you as soon as possible!

At that exact moment, a star in the Orion constellation began shining brighter and brighter, and growing, growing, as it drew closer to me...

A gentle voice, that I know well, whispered in my ear:

"The Treasure hidden in the Temple of Sands found THE person who will be its legitimate heir. Warn you

Whose problems will disappear, and whose hidden destiny in the Chart will be fulfilled. The rich and sweet life in store will enable Marvellous to achieve great things, bring dreams to life, stop suffering and do good.

Do you want to be my messenger through space and time?

I answered: "I accept with all my heart. I saw the 197-day Chart, can I reveal everything.

The White Queen spoke to me about you at length, like the dear and kind friend that she is. She knows you well, almost as well as I know you. She knows all about your generosity, your personal courage and your values. You are such a wonderful person and you deserve more than anything to get the life of your dreams!

Kephren's Natal Chart, very similar to yours, was engraved on a stone stele by the Pharaoh's priests around 2,540 BC. They crafted it in a secret place: a Temple, underneath the Sphinx, in the depths of the Giza plateau.

An underground passage connects this Temple to Kephren's Pyramid. In this Temple, the Pharaoh's great priests received all the secrets to the power of Thoth, the "Thrice Great" god.

For thousands of years, they in turn passed their secret teachings onto a few initiates. Their knowledge was based on astronomy, astrology and numerology.

When the marvelous and ancient Egyptian civilization declined, the last priests entrusted their knowledge and mysteries to a magical Order still in existence today: the Order of the Guardians of Egypt's Secrets.

During his reign, Kephren filled his palaces with gold and jewels, to the extent he became a legend in neighboring kingdoms. His power could not be ignored: The Pharaoh was attracting Fortune just like a magnet attracts iron!

In the Temple, with the stele, the Priests passed two mystical artifacts onto us, which you desperately need, in order to take advantage of your Chart: the Incantation for the Transmission of Inheritance, and the Book of Golden Progression.

As you already know, my visions show a first imminent 6-figure financial windfall. You can bet your bottom dollar that this jackpot, which seems to be making your bank account swell spectacularly, is connected to your Providential Numbers! And based on everything I see, this is merely the beginning of endless windfalls!

All your Beneficial Periods: I will show you the exact dates for your peaks of luck, and periods of growing and diminishing luck. You'll know when to make your decisions, in order to steer people and events as you desire.

On the most beneficial days, take action and your most pressing desires will finally be able to come true!

All your risky days, where simply being vigilant will enable you to avoid any traps or unfortunate decisions

Out of friendship, I will add my personal detailed advice, derived from my supra-sensory visions, which I will dive back into for you. It will be like watching the film of your Destiny in advance in order to find out about all the unmissable opportunities.

Over 4,500 years ago, when the configuration of Kephren's Magical Chart was in place, the Orion Constellation was aligned exactly above the great pyramids. Each Pyramid was like the twin of a star, here on Earth.

This prodigious alignment triggers supernatural phenomena. It concentrates magnetic energy from all over the universe, capable of changing the course of events.

This exceedingly rare alignment hasn't taken place in over 123 years. You are experiencing something unique, because between October 22nd, 2020 and May 7th, 2021, Orion will resume its position above the great Pyramids of Egypt.

You are at a crucial time of your life, you are preparing to experience dazzling events. Their impact on your future will be huge, firstly in the field of money, but also in every area that is important for your happiness.

You can start a new, rich, ambitious and successful life, and even experience glory if that's what you want!

Yet all of this is reaching you at a time when the cosmic influences are unstable and triggering very difficult crises all over the Planet. The shambolic Heavens are already starting to immerse lots of innocent people in tragic situations.

My greatest fear is that a simple cosmic particle, a mere stellar "pebble" might come to destroy the delicate balance of your Chart of 197 days of Luck.

It is out of the question that you be left at the mercy of a risk capable of destroying your entire life!

It is also out of the question to solely call upon powers of general and overall protection, no matter how powerful they are. You need more!

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Avatar for Prodigy442
3 years ago
