COVID-19: Ontario's top doctor says key health indicators continue to improve!!

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2 years ago
Topics: COVID-19

Ontario's Chief medical Officer Of Health DR.Kieran Moore said thursday that a week after COVID-19 restrictions began to ease, key health indicators continue to improve.

Moore said hospitalizations and Intensive Care Unit (ICU) admissions have continued to decline as do outbreaks in long-team care and hospital settings. Ontario reported 1,066 people in hospital with COVID on thursday, with 302 in intensive care units. This is down by 40 hospitalizations and a decrease of 17 in ICUs since the previous day.

Of the 302 people in ICUs with the virus, 74 per cent were admitted because of COVID, while 26 per cent were admitted for other reasons.

Moore also said that COVID-19 risks associated with March Break travel are "decreasing day by day" and encouraged people if they've taken advantage of immunization and follow the principles of mitigating the risks that they should "enjoy March Break as best they can.

Check here this video:

Thanks you!

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I think you will get rid of the coronavirus soon. I hope we do.

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