Quality or quantity: which matters more?

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2 years ago
Topics: Thinking, Truth

Few days ago, I was in a gathering of people where students' scripts were being marked. There was a particular student whose number of words written in the essay was not up to the required number. This student had good expression. There was another student who wrote more than the required number of words but, the expression was not good enough. The surprising thing was that, the student who wrote below the required number of words scored more marks than the one who wrote above the required number of words.

Then, the reality dawned on me that quality matters more than quantity. I guess the student that wrote below the required number of words didn't have enough time to write. If not, he would have written more.

You need four tires for a car. You can get four flat tires or three good tires. Which do you choose? In one of those choices, you will need only one or more good tires. Now, in industry, companies will urge you to produce a quota, good or bad, because someone will pay for the delivery. The fact that you may never get their business again doesn't matter if you need a one time deal. The most important part though, is whether you wish to keep costumers or you will keep trying to run for a con game. Guess who loses? The guy with four tires and the con man.

There was once a laborer who went out in search of a job. He was eventually assigned by a boss to clear a piece of land for#5000. In the afternoon of that day, the boss called another laborer to clear another piece of land of the same size with the first one. At the end of the day, the two laborers finished their work and were given the same amount of money as agreed. The first laborer felt cheated and inquired why he had to be paid the same amount of money with the person who came hours later. The boss replied and said that the two of them cleared the same size of land and that it only took the second laborer shorter time to finish his work.

It does not matter the time spent in doing something but how well we are able to do it. Sometimes, when we want to buy bread, we press the bread to know the quality of it. We're less concerned about the quantity but, the quality .

I realized that it does not matter the number of years we spend on earth but, how well we have fulfilled the purpose of being on earth. It is the quality of our work which will please God and not the quantity.

The size of a thing does not really matter but, the quality matters. Like my mom would always say to me, "it is not the quantity of food that matters but the quality i.e sweetness of the food". When we want to buy clothes, we look for materials that have quality and not the ones that will start tearing after the first wash. We look out for quality ones though, they may be expensive.

When a man wants to get married, he does not depend totally on the beauty of the lady. He finds out the character of the lady through her friends, which is the quality. He finds out if she's a good cook, how well she can take care of the home and so on.

The happiness of our lives depends on the quality of our thoughts.

Thanks for reading.

$ 0.03
$ 0.03 from @Crownofbeauty
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2 years ago
Topics: Thinking, Truth


Yes ohh. It's better you have 3 good eggs than having 10 bad eggs

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You're very correct.

$ 0.00
2 years ago