📧How to secure your Gmail account?💻

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2 years ago

📧How to secure your Gmail account? ✨

💻Do you mean, from Hackers? It seems like not only them can harm your data on your Gmail but even the service providers itself can see or viewed your information. The only one that we need to do is to improve the security settings on your account.✨

💻Based from google.com the following are the things I gathered and could help improve your Gmail’s security?✨

 First is Encrypt your Gmail. Too make sure that no one can access your account you must put encryption on your account, even the service provider itself cannot view or open your information. You can search third party plugins that can encrypt your account but it is more complicated to do(it is too technical to do). I’ll show sample on my next article.✨

 Second is Use strong passwords. Once you enter your password during the creation of account it will notify how strong is your password. If you input easy password, then hackers will access it easily. 80% of data breaches occur because of a weak password. Strong password composed of 8 characters with symbols, capital/small letters and numbers.✨

 Third, the use of two (2) Step Verification. First is activate the 2 factor authentication in your account settings. Then input your number for verification process. When you log in, you will notify to input your number and it will automatically verify to your phone and receive a code. This happens every time you log in.✨

📣Are your data vulnerable from hackers?

💻The answer is yes, but only to some reasons. Based from information from google, Gmail is encrypted with TLS while transferring your data the system protects your emails. As I mention earlier, even google already enhanced their privacy settings, still your data is not secure by the service provider. Not only Gmail but I think all platforms are not totally secure from its service provider. (just leave a comment if you don't agree)✨

💻In short, your personal data is perfectly safe but nothing is one hundred percent (100%) absolute secure. But we have republic act to protect our personal data this is under RA10173, people whose personal information is collected, stored, and processed are called data subjects. Personal data is treated as the same way as your own personal property. (based from privacy.gov.ph)✨

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🏧Author's Epilogue✨

🏧Thank you for asking this question from @Mictorrani. Because of him I do some research and write article about this. To all people who like and upvoted my article, thank you so much and please do continue reading my article.

Disclaimer: All texts and information are based from my own experience while gathering data from google.com. Any similarity to any other contents are unintentional. The article is not advice to follow and made for educational purposes only. Make a research before adopting or using my opinion.


💻All pictures are downloaded from google.com and edited from 3D gif maker.

Reference: https://www.privacy.gov.ph/know-your-rights/

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2 years ago


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$ 0.00
1 year ago

I'd been very keen when it comes to email accounts since most of log-in and transactions will undergo through it for verification and more. Gmail accounts are highly useful because it can save us. Why? Let's state an example based on our experience, our bank accounts were tried to get hack so many times but luckily, we always receive an immediate response or notification that someone is trying to attempt. Can you imagine without it, who will tell us or inform us? Nobody knows 🥲

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It's a helpful way to secure our accounts. I've experienced a security breach because of exposing my gmail address before the same email I use in my Gcash account. 100 pesos lost. And upon tracking the number, they were no longer can be contacted

$ 0.00
2 years ago

🛰️sad to hear that bro, let's do extra careful next time

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for sharing

$ 0.00
2 years ago

🗽It was nothing, I am happy to share✨

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2 years ago